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The airship took them to many different kingdoms over the course of the two weeks that they were gone, the duo having a blast in the many different areas that Mario had set up for them. They began their journey first landing in a very hot kingdom. Otherwise known as the Sand Kingdom. They were taken on a tour by one of the locals through the town known as Tostarena. Their guide explained the history of their town, how it came to be and everything that has happened within it up until now. SMG3 and SMG4 listened and enjoyed learning the history of the place.

"Now that the tour of our town is over, did you guys want to meet up with me later after grabbing a bite to eat? I'm sure you guys are famished after your long journey." Their guide said, making the two look at each other.

"I could definitely eat since Mario didn't let us get any breakfast in." SMG3 stated, making SMG4 nod his head.

"Yeah, can we meet up with you in an hour?" SMG4 asked their guide.

"Of course, just meet me by the Jaxi stop at the end of town and we'll continue from there." He said before taking off, leaving the two to go do a little exploring of their own.

"I never did like sand." SMG3 admitted as the two walked down to the restaurant in the center of town. "It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere."

SMG4 snorted as they walked inside, getting led over to a table and getting in their seats. "Okay Anakin." He teased before looking at their menus. They looked over the food before ordering. The two enjoyed their meal before meeting back up with their guide near the Jaxi stop.

"Hey guys, enjoy the food?"

"Yeah, it was really good." SMG4 said as he watched their guide get on one of the two Jaxis.

"Try and keep up!" The guide said before taking off.

SMG4 blinked before hopping on the Jaxi, SMG3 getting on behind him and holding on to SMG4's waist. The Jaxi took off running following after the previous one, making SMG3 and SMG4 scream at how fast it was going. SMG3 nearly fell off at one point. Once they stopped, they both felt a little bit nauseous and were swaying a little. They groaned as they followed their guide, walking through the ruins and to the inverted pyramid. They spent hours just walking around the place, enjoying the scenery and taking pictures of the two of them in front of different things.

When the sun started to set, they began to head back to the airship so that they could sleep. They walked in and showered in the bathroom, before changing into their pajamas before heading straight to bed. Their first night of their honeymoon was going well. In the morning, they set off for the next place. New Donk City. Once they arrived, the mayor, Pauline, greeted them enthusiastically.

"Hello SMG4 and SMG3! Mario told me you were coming and told me to set you guys up for a few days in one of our hotels. I'm the mayor, Pauline, and I hope you both enjoy yourselves here." She said as she led them to a taxi to bring them to their hotel. They put their luggage into the trunk before getting in the back seat. The two looked out the window and watched the buildings pass them by. Pauline smiled at them from the front seat. "So, the second day I'll take you on a personal tour but for now, you guys can explore and do whatever you like." She said excitedly as they pulled up to their hotel.

"Thanks again, Pauline." SMG4 said as they got out of the car, SMG3 moving to get their bags from the trunk. They walked into the hotel and over to the front desk, giving their names and receiving their key cards for their rooms. They used the elevator and went up many floors before stepping off. They walked down the hallway until reaching their room. They unlocked it and walked in, seeing the plush looking king sized bed and gorgeous view from their window. SMG3 went to the window and smiled as he saw the hustle and bustle of the city.

"I remember living in a city like this once. Though I lived in a crappy little apartment and was worried about getting stabbed in my sleep half the time, but it was still nice to have something interesting to escape into when the sun set." He said as he stared out the window. He soon looked over at SMG4 when he didn't hear him say anything for a moment. He smiled as he saw his husband sleeping on the bed. He figured that SMG4 didn't sleep well last night from how much he had been tossing and turning.

He moved over and unlaced his shoes, taking them off before kicking his own off. He joined SMG4 in bed and held him close, the former cuddling close to him. SMG3 buried his nose into his partner's soft hair, inhaling the sweet scent of his shampoo that he used the night before. He smiled and kissed the top of his head gently, holding him in his arms and closing his eyes.

((Author's note: Sorry, no Canada, Disney, or McDonalds for a honeymoon trip. Also, sorry for the shortness. I'm slowly hitting my burnout phase on this. I only have two more chapters to go and I will finish this soon. I am not gonna end this without a proper ending. I promise.))

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