Getting Fresh Air

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The blaring sound of the phone's alarm clock reached SMG4's ears and he reached over, swiping to turn it off. He looked up at the time and sighed before setting the phone down once again, turning on to his back to look up at the ceiling of the cheap motel room he was currently residing in. It had been only a week since he lost nearly everything and his heart was still hurting immensely. He sat up and walked to the bathroom, closing the door and turning on the shower. If he was lucky he'd maybe have a couple minutes of hot water today.

He cleaned himself up and brushed his teeth before hearing a knock at the door. He quickly threw on a pair of pants and a shirt before heading over to open it. On the other side stood Meggy. "Hey Meggy." He said quietly, still obviously upset about everything.

Meggy frowned as she noticed the tone in his voice. "Hey SMG4, just wanted to come and check in with you. See how you were doing." She said as she looked up at him.

SMG4 let out a soft sigh. "Still trying to get over things. Let me grab my room key and we'll talk outside. BEEG is still sleeping and I don't want to wake him up." He said before heading back into the room, grabbing the key from the bedside table. He walked back out, making sure the door was secured behind him. Meggy walked with him.

This was the first time he had actually been outside for more than just getting basic items needed to live. He felt the sunshine touching his skin and the soft spring air blowing through his hair. It almost made him stop thinking of the pain he was in. SMG4 walked with Meggy through town until getting to the park, taking a seat at one of the benches before sitting in silence for a little while.

"Have you been getting enough sleep and eating properly?" Meggy asked, making SMG4's shoulders slump.

"Not really. My thoughts won't shut up for me to sleep and I need to try and save as much money as I can to get an apartment." SMG4 said in a defeated tone.

"You know if you ever need a permanent place to stay, you can always stay with me." Meggy suggested.

SMG4 shook his head. "I can't ask that of you. I'd feel like a burden." SMG4 said, hearing SMG3's words about him being a leech ringing in his head.

"SMG4, you could never be a burden to me. You're my friend." Meggy stated, making SMG4 smile slightly.

"Thanks Meggy. I appreciate the offer." SMG4 said before feeling comfortable enough to get up. "Did you wanna play on the swings? No one is on them." He said, making Meggy get up from her spot to go follow him.

The two took a spot next to each other and sat down, Meggy building up speed to swing high while SMG4 was content to swing lower. That and he couldn't exactly stay perfectly balanced with his arm in a sling. The two talked and laughed, SMG4 finally forgetting his worries and problems for just a few moments. It was nice to feel himself just enjoy the moment.

He soon stopped as he felt his phone buzzing. He pulled it out, not recognizing the number but still answered it anyways. "Hello?"

"Hi, is this SMG4?" A male voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Yes, it is." He said, wondering who was calling him.

"This is Jeeves, the owner of Le Ritzer, I'm calling to see if you'd like to come in for an interview tomorrow morning at ten." The man replied.

SMG4 was incredibly fortunate to have sent out those applications a few days ago. "I'd love to." He said as Meggy slowed down to watch him smile.

"Perfect, I'll see you then." Jeeves said before hanging up the phone. SMG4 looked excited, he was gonna be able to get another job.

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