Calm Me Down

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((Author's Note: Hey guys, this chapter will contain mentions of Blood, Vomiting, S*x Assualt, R**e, and D******g. I'm not gonna go into full detail as I don't want to scar anyone, but just be aware of the heavy themes that are gonna come in this chapter. These words will not be censored in the chapter. You have been warned.))

=A Few Minutes Prior=

SMG3 sat in his office, typing up a few documents on his computer as he waited for SMG4 to arrive upstairs. It took a little while, but SMG3 noticed the time and wondered when SMG4 was coming up to his office. He sighed and closed his laptop, getting up from his desk to go see where he was. He went to the elevator and took it down to the floor that SMG4 was last working on. He sighed and soon heard someone talking and happened to see SMG4 near the open door of one of the rooms.

"Yo! SMG4, what's taking you so lo-" He stopped as he saw the scene before him. SMG4 was, what looked like to him, trapped against the wall by a tall figure with long silver hair.  SMG3 felt his blood run cold as his eyes widened in realization on who the man was. He was silent for a moment before turning on his heel and sprinting back to the elevator. He knew he was a coward for leaving SMG4 behind, but that bastard, he couldn't face him again.

He ran into the elevator, his hands shaking as he hit the button for the floor to his office, feeling his chest begin to tighten. 'Damn it, not now!' He thought as he saw the doors open up. He rushed to his office, slamming the door behind him, collapsing to his knees as he began to started to hyperventilate. He crawled away from the door, getting to a corner and placing his back against the wall. Eggdog wasn't here to comfort him and he wasn't home to control his panic attack. 'Fuck! I can't stop it!' He thought as he felt the tears come on as the memories of that night came into his mind.

SMG4 knocked on the door to the office to see if SMG3 was inside, but when he received no response, he placed his hand on the doorknob and opened the door. He stepped in, pushing the door closed and seeing SMG3 in a horrible state on the floor. He went wide eyed and rushed to him. Hearing him breathing hard, seeing him shaking and crying, it broke SMG4's heart, but he needed to do something to help him. He knelt in front of him, hesitant to touch him, but carefully took hold of his hand and gave it soft squeezes.

"Three. Three. I'm right here. Can you give me a sign that you can hear me?" SMG4 asked as he soon felt a soft squeeze to his hand. "Okay, okay, I want you to listen. I'm right here, I'm gonna stay here to get you through this." He said, slowly reaching forward and with a delicate touch, wiped away the tears that stained his cheeks. He may not have any experience dealing with this stuff, but he wasn't gonna leave SMG3 alone by himself. SMG3 seemed receptive to the touch, his body slowly stopping the shakes.

"Shh. I got you. Can you try taking in deep breaths for me?" SMG4 asked gently as he felt another squeeze to his hand. He gently coached SMG3 to breathe and after awhile, it seemed like it worked. At least until SMG3 got a horrified look on his face and immediately gripped SMG4's shoulders.

"He didn't hurt you right?! Please tell me he didn't touch you!" SMG3 said in a panicked tone of voice, with SMG4 immediately shaking his head in response.

"No, he hasn't. Please, calm down. I'm okay." SMG4 said, before suddenly before swallowed up in a tight hug by SMG3. His brain almost didn't register what happened until he felt SMG3's face buried in his shoulder and heard him sobbing. SMG4 carefully hugged him, rubbing his back gently.

"I'm so sorry I left you behind with that monster...I should have stayed and pulled you away, but instead I ran like a coward..." SMG3 sobbed into his shoulder, holding on to him tightly. SMG4 frowned and just held him.

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