Drunken Ramblings or Confession?

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It was nearing the end of the year and SMG3 decided to throw a New Years Eve party to bring in the new year for everyone at work. The place was jumping as everyone who enjoying the festivities with some of the patrons of the casino. SMG4 was one of them and was currently getting a beverage from the refreshment table, smiling at everyone enjoying themselves, maybe a little too much. A few people were most definitely drunk, and making asses of themselves, but SMG4 wasn't gonna let the alcohol go to his head. He sipped his drink and looked around to find some of his coworkers.

He stepped away from the table and soon found some of them playing what appeared to be a drinking game. "Hey guys, what's up?" He asked as he joined the table they were occupying.

"Oh, we're playing never have I ever. It's getting pretty interesting to know a lot about what all of us can get up to." Meggy said as she smiled.

"You should join us." Tari said as she held up her can of soda. Some of them weren't drinking so it was a case of sober and slightly inebriated people.

"Sure. Sounds like fun." SMG4 said as he looked at them.

"Okay, never have I ever slow danced with anyone." Tari said, keeping things innocent. Saiko, Meggy, and Chris drank since they have done so.

"You slow danced? With who?" Kaizo questioned as he looked at his life long friend incredulously.

"Fishy Boopkins, he was sweet to me then." Saiko said with a shrug.

"How about this one. Never have I kissed anyone." Meggy said, causing Saiko and Swag to drink. SMG4 would have drank, but the only person he's been remotely intimate with is SMG3, and the two haven't shared a kiss yet.

"Okay, Chris, your turn." Meggy said. Chris nodded and thought for a moment.

"Um, never have I ever shot someone." Chris said, causing Swag to drink.

"Do paintball guns count?" Meggy asked, and when Chris nodded she drank.

"This is getting boring." Kaizo said.

"Well why don't you suggest something else?" Saiko looked at him.

"Fine. How about truth or dare, with a drinking twist. If you don't tell the truth, either by avoiding it or someone calls you out, you drink. If you don't do the dare, you drink. Good enough?" Kaizo asked, which the others agreed before starting the game.

Near the end, Meggy was completely wasted, Kaizo and Saiko had switched clothes for the evening, Swag was passed out with Tari keeping an eye on him while Chris went to go get something to nibble on. Then there was SMG4, who was obviously drunk to the point where he was swaying a little.

"O-Okay...SMG4...t...truth or dare...?" Meggy slurred her words out.

"Dare..." SMG4 said, trying to focus.

"I dare you...to...slap SMG3..." Meggy pointed out their boss, who was walking right passed them. SMG4 looked at SMG3 and stood up, swaying a little before heading over. He walked over and promptly slapped SMG3. Right on his ass. Meggy didn't exactly tell him where to slap SMG3.

SMG3 jumped up, spinning around as he rubbed his ass in pain. "What the hell was that for?!" He yelled upon seeing who had slapped him. "SMG4 you better have a good excuse." SMG4 chuckled and looked at him.

"I was told to...and because you got some cake on you..." SMG4 giggled as he moved his hand around and playfully pinched SMG3's ass, causing SMG3 to slap his hand away.

"Dude, knock it off! You're drunk!" SMG3 stated as he blushed.

"You're sexy!" SMG4 said as SMG3's face got redder. SMG4 closed the gap between them and hugged him. "You're so grumpy...but so sweet to me...Love it..." SMG4 admitted before SMG3 managed to get out of his drink.

"Jesus, you smell like a liquor store." SMG3 sighed a little and had SMG4 sling his arm over his shoulders, his own arm wrapped around his waist to keep him from falling down. "You're coming up to my office so you can sober up a little bit." He said, starting to walk with him to the elevators.

"You planning on bending me over your desk again...? Kinky...!" SMG4 said, a little louder than necessary. SMG3 was so embarrassed as he knew people had to have heard him say that. He really just wanted to crawl into a hole at that point. SMG3 got them into the elevator and took them up to his office. He set SMG4 down on the loveseat and moved to get him some water.

"Drink up you idiot." SMG3 said, SMG4 taking the cup and slowly drinking from it. SMG3 sighed and slowly sat down beside SMG4, just watching him for a moment. "You really are an idiot, Four...Getting this drunk isn't a smart move..." SMG3 said before SMG4 set the cup down.

"Just wanted to let loose...Have fun." SMG4 commented, making SMG3 realize he was pushing his past experience on to the other.

"Right, sorry. I just don't want to see you getting hurt." SMG3 admitted, before feeling SMG4 lean against him. "You mean a lot to me, Four, and I don't want you to have to go through what I went through."

SMG4 watched SMG3, through his very dizzy vision, and was just barely able to see passed him at the clock. "What time is it...?" SMG4 questioned, rubbing his eyes. SMG3 looked over at the clock.

"Almost midnight, why?"

"I wanna kiss you..."

"What? Why?" SMG3 raised an eyebrow as SMG4 moved closer to him.

"Cause I want us to have a strong bond for the new year...I read it in a book once..."

SMG3 really didn't want to argue with him over a kiss, so when he saw the clock ticking down, he counted down with SMG4. They looked at each other, SMG4 leaning up and kissing SMG3 at the first stroke of midnight. SMG3 wasn't too sure what he was feeling as SMG4 kissed him, but whatever it was, he wanted it to last. SMG4 slowly pulled back from the kiss before resting his head on his shoulder an holding his hand.

They sat in silence for a moment before SMG4 mumbled something.

"Hmm, what was that?" SMG3 asked, before seeing SMG4 look up at him and give his hand a soft squeeze.

"I love you..."

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