First Night

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SMG4 jumped out of the car and immediately booked it over to the smoldering remains of his house, only to be stopped by an officer. "Sir! You can't go in there!" The officer said as he held him back.

"I have to! I have to make sure BEEG got out!" SMG4 yelled as he fought against the grip of the officer.

"We have him in one of the squad cars right now. He's fine."  The officer said before directing him over to the the car in question. BEEG, who didn't seem to have a scratch on him, was sitting in the back of one of the cars with another officer keeping him company. BEEG made a noise and jumped into SMG4's arms when he came near.

"BEEG, you're okay!" SMG4 said as he held his boy close to his chest and felt like crying. He didn't care if his house was gone so long as BEEG was okay. He looked up to his right as a firefighter cleared his throat to get his attention.

"Sir, we're gonna do everything in our power to figure out what caused this fire. In the mean time, do you have a place to stay?" He asked, and SMG4 shook his head as he looked down at BEEG.

"No, but we'll figure something out." SMG4 said softly, sighing softly. Maybe they'd be able to find a decent carboard box to sleep in for the night.

"You can stay with me if you want." A voice came from behind him, making him turn around to see SMG3 standing there. "You don't have to worry about tonight at least."

"I couldn't do that. I don't want to be a burden on you, even for a night." SMG4 said as he rubbed the back of his neck. SMG3 rolled his eyes as he heard the other.

"I have a guest room you can stay in. It's not like you're kicking me out of my own bed." He said as he placed a hand on SMG4's shoulder. "Come on, it's only gonna get colder as the night goes on." He pulled SMG3 back to his car, SMG4 getting BEEG into the back and buckling him in before going into the front seat. SMG3 started up the car and drove off, SMG4 looking back at the remains of his house, sighing.

"I can't believe it's all gone..." SMG4 said softly as he looked down at his lap. It was silent for awhile as they drove.

"How about I turn on the radio?" SMG3 suggested before reaching over and turning on the radio, a brief moment of static came through the speakers before soft rock began to play. SMG3 stayed quiet otherwise for the drive to his home. Once he pulled into the driveway, SMG4 looked up just to see the impressively large home that they arrived at. SMG3 got out of the car and went to the front door, with SMG4 and BEEG following behind him. He opened the door for them all and flipped on the lights.

SMG4 was briefly blinded by the light and blinked a few times. Once his eyes adjusted, he looked around to see that there was a short hallway in front of him followed by a rather open doorway that led to what he assumed was the living room. "Do you mind taking off your shoes and leaving them on the rack? I don't like having dirt tracked everywhere." SMG3 suddenly spoke, turning around SMG4 saw him setting his shoes on a shoe rack.

"Oh, of course." SMG4 replied, setting BEEG down before beginning to unlace his shoes.

"After you're done I'll give you a brief tour of the place so you don't get lost." SMG3 stated as he removed his cape and vest, planning to get out of his costume. SMG4 nodded and put his shoes down on the rack before moving to go follow SMG3. SMG3 gave him a tour of the house, telling or showing him what was behind each door. He eventually stopped at the guest room and opened the door. "And this is where you and BEEG can stay for the time being." SMG4 breathed out a soft sigh.

"Thanks SMG3, I owe you for this." SMG4 smiled at SMG3, who rubbed the back of his neck.

"Come on man, you don't have to thank me for being a decent human being." SMG3 chuckled a little as he looked away. "Why don't you go clean up in the bathroom and then meet me in the living room?" He suggested.

A Debt to Repay (SMG34)Where stories live. Discover now