(Don't) Leave Me

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=A few minutes prior=

SMG4 went upstairs in the elevator and took deep breaths as he stepped off, going over to the door of SMG3's office. He walked over and knocked. "Hey, Three, you in there?" He asked, not wanting to go in if he wasn't inside. It took a moment before he heard footsteps from behind the door and then the soft click of the lock. He smiled and tried to open the door, only to find that whoever was behind the door had just locked it instead. "Uh, Three? You know you just locked the door, right?" He asked, chuckling a little, thinking it was a little silly.

"Go away, SMG4. I'm not in the mood to talk with you right now." SMG3 said through the door bitterly, which surprised SMG4 greatly as he didn't remember doing anything to piss SMG3 off.

"Three, let me in so we can talk. Whatever I did, I'll apologize for it." SMG4 said, still trying to open the door.

"Since the debt is over and done with, I don't have to provide you with a job anymore. Your position is terminated effective immediately." SMG3 said, making SMG4 blink in shock.

"Woah, hold on, what did I do?! I didn't do anything to piss you off like this!" SMG4 argued through the door, wondering why SMG3 was being a dick all of a sudden.

"I'm done pretending to be nice to you to get my money back. I want you out of my casino, out of my house, and out of my life before the end of the day." SMG3 stated, which hurt SMG4.

Was everything really just a lie? Their friendship, the promises they made, their intimacy? Was it all fake? No, SMG4 didn't believe him. "You're lying! You're hiding behind the door like a coward and won't even face me to tell me the truth!" He yelled through the door, feeling tears well up in his eyes from how emotional he was getting.

That's when the door opened and stood an angry looking SMG3, his hair disheveled and eyes bloodshot. "Do you really think I wanted someone hobo leeching off of me for the rest of my life with the only good thing that he brought to the table was sex? I was only using you to get my money back. Now that it's done, I have no use for you anymore." SMG3 said, his words dripping with venom.

Everything SMG3 said hurt like hell, but SMG4 still held out hope that he was lying, that he was just lashing out at him and not meaning any of it. "Three...Please, I love you..." He said, his voice wavering as he held up the bouquet he had gotten for him.

Something flashed briefly in SMG3's eyes, something that looked like maybe regret or fear, but SMG3 kept the same gaze he had the past few minutes. "You disgust me. Get the hell out of my sight." He said before slamming the door in SMG4's face.

SMG4 felt his heart breaking as he stared at the door longingly, wanting it to open back up, wanting the last few minutes to have never happened and for SMG3 to pull him into his arms to kiss him. He wanted something that SMG3 didn't even care about. He turned on his heel and went back to the elevator, beginning to let the tears he was holding back flow freely.

In the office, SMG3 had returned to his desk, placing his face in his hands and began to sob. That was the hardest thing SMG3 had ever had to do in his entire life. His own heart was breaking along with SMG4's. If SMG4 got hurt by Niles than SMG3 wouldn't be able to live with the guilt knowing he didn't do everything in his power to protect him. If he had told SMG4 the truth about what was going on, the idiot would have wanted to stick around to make sure Niles didn't hurt anyone else. Breaking SMG4's heart was the only way to keep him safe.

'Four, I'm so sorry...' SMG3 thought before he heard someone trying to open up his door again, but he locked the door again. "Go away!" He yelled out to whoever it was, not in the mood to talk with anyone after what he just did.

"Meggy battering ram!" He heard from the other side of the door before the door was splintered open by Mario using Meggy as a battering ram. Mario set Meggy upright, the two of them looking pissed off.

"What did you do to my best friend?!" Mario angrily shouted at SMG3, the two of them storming over, ready to beat some sense into him.

"I told him that I only tolerated him for the money. Anything else was for my personal gain." He said, trying to get them to leave. He ended up pressing the button on his desk to get Chris and Swag up here.

"You're so full of shit your eyes are turning brown!" Meggy argued with him, SMG3 glaring in return.

"SMG4 left here crying because of you! He looked so hurt!" Mario yelled at him.

SMG3 clenched his fists. "You think I wanted to hurt him with everything I said to him?! You think I didn't want to pull him close, kiss him and tell him that I loved him back?!" SMG3 argued with them.

"So why didn't you tell him you love him?" Meggy growled.

"Because..." SMG3 deflated, any sort of anger he had was gone. "Because he deserves better than me...Someone who isn't so broken and is actually ready for a relationship..." He said softly, which was actually part of how he felt. Sure the thing with Niles was a major part, but what he just said was also the truth. He wasn't too sure if he was even good enough for SMG4 with all of his problems. "If I told him that he'd want to stay around and I didn't want him to waste his time on me." He said.

Mario and Meggy were a little stunned. "We had no idea you felt that way." Meggy said honestly. "SMG3, you should have told him that. I think you hurt him more than you realize." She said, moving to place a hand on his shoulder.

SMG3 moved his shoulder out of her grasp. "Please, if you value your friendship with SMG4, just let me be the bad guy and let him find someone else that will truly make him happy." He said, almost begging at this point.

Meggy looked at Mario and he nodded his head as he saw the look on her face. "Okay. We won't say anything to SMG4, but I just wish you didn't have to break his heart to achieve this." Meggy said, taking hold of Mario's hand and leaving the office with him.

SMG3 sniffled and pulled out the small music box, opening it and hearing the soft melody playing. 'I wish I didn't either.'

A Debt to Repay (SMG34)Where stories live. Discover now