Pushed Into His Arms

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"Okay, I'll see you when you get here." SMG4 said as he walked into the bar, putting his phone into his pocket before he found a booth that would accommodate the two of them. He sat down and a waiter came over to ask what he could get him started with as he set a menu down. "Just water for right now, I'm waiting on someone." He said, the waiter nodding and going to get him his glass of water. SMG4 sighed, waiting patiently before he saw his date walk in. He waved him over. "Hey Niles, glad you could make it."

Niles smiled, taking a seat across from SMG4. "Sorry I'm late. I had to get gas in the car." He said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a chocolate bar from his pocket before sliding it over to the other side of the table. "Got you a small apology gift."

SMG4 took the chocolate bar and smiled. "Dude, you didn't have to, but thanks." He said as he looked over at him. He honestly couldn't believe how sweet Niles was, any sweeter and he'd probably get a cavity. He was surprised when they bumped into each other a couple months ago and Niles admitted to being the person that made SMG4 have a spill down the stairs. He was really apologetic about it and admitted to being really scared he had accidentally killed someone.

SMG4 had assured him it was all good, it was only an accident anyways. Still, Niles insisted on buying him dinner to make up for the injuries he sustained. The two stayed in contact which ended up with Niles asking SMG4 out on a date, which was very surprising. He was hesitant about it since he was still hurt from what happened between him and SMG3, but he figured the only way to get over the pain was to start going on proper dates.

SMG4 talked with Niles for awhile, the waiter coming back over and taking their orders, before SMG4 had to get up to go use the restroom. Once he left the table, Niles took out his phone to look through some stuff, only looking up when someone hit his table. He saw that it was SMG3, who looked very pissed off. This wasn't what he was intending, but maybe he could use this to his advantage.

"What the hell do you think you're doing with him?!" SMG3 whisper yelled at him, making Niles smirk a little.

"We're on a little date. I thought it wouldn't matter to you since you're the one that broke his heart in the first place." Niles said as he tilted his head, being cocky about it.

"He's no longer in contact with me, so he shouldn't even be a target for you!" SMG3 hissed out, clenching his fist in anger.

"Oh but he is, since I know you still care so much about him. I'm gonna make sure you won't ever have a chance with him again." He spoke as he saw SMG4 coming back to their table over SMG3's shoulder. "By the end of the night I'm gonna have my dick buried so deep inside him that he won't be able to walk straight for a week." He said in a quiet voice so that SMG4 didn't hear his comment.

SMG3 went almost purple in anger, winding his fist back and bringing it forward, colliding with Niles' cheek. Niles played weak and fell out of his seat, holding his face in pain and cowering a little to play the victim. "Stay the fuck away from Four!" SMG3 yelled at him, only to be spun around by SMG4.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" SMG4 shouted at SMG3, who looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"Four, I-" SMG3 started to say but was cut off.

"No no! You tell me you don't want me, that I'm a leech and only good for sex, and then you pull this jealous possessive crap like I was yours to begin with!" SMG4 yelled, shoving SMG3 out of the way to help Niles up. "Are you okay?" SMG4 asked gently, seeing Niles was crying.

"Four, please hear me out." SMG3 started to say.

"Oh now you wanna talk? Too little, too freaking late. Get out of my damn sight, you disgust me." SMG4 said, throwing SMG3's own words back in his face. SMG3 stared at SMG4 for a moment before bowing his head in defeat, leaving the bar. In Niles' head he was smirking, instead of SMG3 keeping SMG4 safe from him, all SMG3 did was succeed in pushing SMG4 deeper into Niles' arms.

SMG4 sighed and mentioned to their waiter that he'd like to pay now. "I'm sorry about him. You're not in too much pain are you?" SMG4 asked as he looked up at Niles. Niles shook his head.

"I'll be okay. We could go back to my place if you want, it's only a couple blocks from here." Niles said as he rubbed his sore cheek, he actually did hurt from SMG3's punch, that wasn't a lie. SMG4 nodded and finished settling the bill before heading out to Niles' car. They got in and Niles drove them to a small house, hopping out.

SMG4 let his eyes adjust to the dark and saw that it wasn't in the best of shapes, maybe Niles didn't have enough time to work on it. Niles opened the front door and let SMG4 inside before flipping on the lights. There wasn't much in terms of furniture, but really what else would you need when living by yourself. You don't exactly need much. SMG4 moved to kick off his shoes and watched Niles disappear around a corner.

"I'm gonna get us some drinks and some ice for my face. I got water, some soda and a bottle of wine." Niles said from the other room.

SMG4 debated for a moment. "A glass of wine please." He said as he waited for Niles to come out. It took a few minutes, but Niles did come out with a pack of ice, a can of soda and a glass of red wine. He handed the wine to SMG4 before sitting down. He sat down and turned on the tv so that they had something to watch. Eventually, Niles removed his jacket, feeling warm, revealing that he was wearing a tight black tank top underneath his shirt. SMG4 couldn't help but to stare just for a moment before looking away.

SMG4 began to feel warm himself, taking off his jacket and draping it over the arm of the couch, but he still felt warm. He also felt something else and squirmed a little in his seat. Niles looked over at SMG4 with a look of concern. "Are you okay?" He asked, moving closer and placing a hand on his forehead to see if he was warm.

That only made SMG4 feel hotter, almost like his skin was starting to burn. "S-Sorry...I think date night might be ruined..." He admitted with a nervous laughter. He turned bright red as Niles looked down and seemed to be embarrassed as well.

"Well, I wouldn't say ruined, we could definitely have a bit of fun if you'd like." Niles said, being more confident in his approach. He moved SMG4 so that he could bring him into his lap, his hands moving to undo the straps of his overalls. "I have some stuff we could use in my room."

SMG4 lightly bit his lower lip as his head was getting fuzzy with lust, but he was still lucid enough to know what was going on, especially when he felt a hand squeezing his ass. After a moment or two of groping, SMG4 nodded his head. Niles picked him up to carry him to the bedroom, beginning to kiss and suck at his neck. As he carried him, Niles thought how glad he was that he had those pills in his cabinet to use on SMG4.

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