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It was the following morning, SMG4 waking up in bed with a horrible hang over. His head felt like it was going to burst at any moment and his mouth was dryer than a desert. He slowly opened his eyes, thankful that the room was dark, and barely saw the outline of a pill bottle and glass of water on the nightstand. He immediately took hold of the pill bottle, reading it as aspirin before opening it. He took two and immediately chugged the glass of water. He felt awful and hoped the aspirin would kick in soon. He laid down and tried to remember the events of last night.

Everything was really fuzzy. Why did he have to drink so much? He closed his eyes and thought back. He remembered playing a game with the others at work, and drinking. He was certain he saw SMG3 at some point. It took him about another hour or so before he felt confident enough to get out of bed. He moved out of the room, hoping that the other was here so that he could talk with him. He moved into the kitchen to get some more water, pausing his movements when he noticed that there was a note written on the fridge. He pulled it off to look at it closer.

'Dear SMG4,

I am heading into work today to clean up the mess that your drunken shenanigans have caused not only me, but you as well. We will talk more when I get home later. Try not to hurt yourself with the hangover you no doubt have.

From SMG3'

'What the hell did I do last night?' SMG4 thought as he set the note down on the table. Hopefully he hadn't destroyed something that put him in more debt.




SMG3 was rubbing his face as he walked into the casino, knowing that he was gonna have a lot of explaining to do to his employees. Why did SMG4 have to get drunk and out them like that? He was gonna punch him when he got home. Or at least laugh at him if he was still dealing with the hangover. He had sent a message out to his employees to meet with him in the break room to discuss what had happened last night.

SMG3 thought back to last night as he walked into the break room. He lightly rubbed his sore ass as he was pretty sure it was bruised from where SMG4 had smacked him. The way he talked about the two of them in front of the others was just embarrassing. Then to add on to the fact, he had to get a passed out SMG4 to the car, everyone of his employees that were still up began to question him about what SMG4 had said.

SMG3 had ignored them in the moment to get SMG4 home, but he knew he couldn't avoid them. Just like he can't avoid what SMG4 and him had done in his office. He brought his fingers up to his lips and gently rubbed them. They kissed at midnight because SMG4 wanted a stronger bond with them for the year, but what was said afterwards, it made SMG3 question everything.

'I love you'

SMG4's words replayed over and over again in SMG3's head. Was it all just some drunk ramblings? Was it the truth that was brought forth from the alcohol? Honestly, both options scared SMG3. He wasn't too sure if he could take it being the lie or the truth. He wished SMG4 never opened his stupid mouth.

He soon heard the door open and saw pretty much everyone coming in. He sighed and looked at them all. "I wanted to clear the air about last night." He said, seeing their eyes on him. It made him a little uncomfortable. Before he could even speak, he was already getting questions.

"Why didn't you just tell us you guys were dating?" Meggy asked.

"How long have you guys been together?" Melony asked.

"Isn't it technically illegal for you to date an employee?" Fishy Boopkins questioned.

There were many more questions that everyone was asking all at once that SMG3 wasn't comfortable answering, especially without SMG4 there to back him up. "Okay, enough!" SMG3 shouted at the group, making them all be quiet for a little while. SMG3 soon let out a sigh of annoyance.

"SMG4 and I's relationship, whatever it may be, shouldn't be focused on. I don't want to hear any rumors about what we may or may not be doing. Is that understood?" He asked, getting mainly nods. "And no questioning SMG4 about it either." He added on, before looking at all of them to make sure he got the message.

"Okay, I'm heading home. You guys can get back to work." He stated before leaving the break room, heading back to the parking garage. He got in the car and placed his forehead on the steering wheel. He already felt drained after that, and he still had to go home and talk with SMG4 about last night. He sighed and started up the car, driving out of the parking garage and home.

It was about one in the afternoon when he arrived, heading inside he found SMG4 playing with BEEG and Eggdog. He walked over and cleared his throat. "Four, we need to talk. Now." He said, making SMG4 getting up and follow the other into the bedroom. SMG3 closed the door and promptly punched SMG4 in the arm.

"What the hell was that for?!" SMG4 yelled at him as he rubbed his sore arm.

"For one, my ass is still bruised from last night's little 'love tap' that you did to it and two, you outed us." SMG3 explained as SMG4 went a little pale at the realization that all of the people at work knew about them now.

"Oh crap, I'm so sorry, Three. I'll make it up to you, I promise." SMG4 said, trying to smooth things over.

"I already told everyone at work to not gossip or ask you about it. Hopefully they'll actually listen this time." SMG3 rolled his eyes as SMG4 looked away from him.

"I won't drink again like that. I promise." SMG4 stated as he looked at the floor. SMG3 let out a puff of air. "Was there anything else I did?" SMG4 asked, looking back at him as he rubbed the back of his neck. SMG3 wanted so badly to tell them that they kissed and that the other told him he loved him, but he decided to just bury his own feelings deep down as usual.

"No, just that." SMG3 stated as he looked at him. SMG4 slowly nodded his head. They stood in silence for a moment.

"Did I really bruise your ass?" SMG4 finally asked.

"Yeah, still hurts a little to sit down." SMG3 said.

"Want me to kiss it and make it better?" SMG4 joked, making the both of them laugh to ease the tension.

"No, I'm fine. Let's just go check on the kids." SMG3 said before the two stepped out of the bedroom.

A Debt to Repay (SMG34)Where stories live. Discover now