Cold Feet, Warm Hands

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Staring down at the gold band on his finger, the two gemstones glittering in the light, SMG4 couldn't help but smile at the memory of getting this ring. SMG3 had insisted on the two of them getting matching rings but agreed with SMG4 when the latter said he preferred gold to silver. SMG4 sighed happily and smiled as he remembered just how much they went through to get to this moment. SMG4 moved to look at himself in the mirror, fastening the last button on his suit's jacket.

He wore an all white suit with a simple blue tie, and in the suit's pocket was a simple purple rose. He grabbed the brush from the table and began to straighten out his hair. When he was done, he set the brush down and smiled. He soon heard the door opening up and looked over to see it being opened up by Mario. "Hey Mario. How do I look?"

Mario, who was wearing a simple black suit and no hat, stepped in as he smiled at his friend. He gave a thumbs up. "You look so good. I doubt SMG3 will be able to keep his eyes off you." He said, making SMG4 blush in embarrassment and rub the back of his neck.

"You really think I don't look too stuffy in all of this?" SMG4 asked as he glanced down at himself. Mario moved over and patted him on the back.

"You look perfect. Don't worry so much." Mario said as he smiled. SMG4 relaxed a little bit.

"You're right. Thanks for agreeing to be my best man again, by the way." SMG4 said as he looked at his best friend.

"No problem. Mario would have agreed no matter what." He said with a smile before hearing a knock at the door.

"SMG4, are you in there?" A voice came from the other side. SMG4 walked over to the door and opened it up to reveal Meggy. She was without her hat and headphones and instead of her usual attire she wore a dark purple one shoulder dress. "Oh, good. Can you come with me? SMG3 is panicking and I think you should talk to him to calm him down." Meggy said, making SMG4 and Mario follow behind her. They walked down the hallway until they reached a door, Meggy knocking. "Three, I brought Four with me." Meggy called out to the other.

"What?! He can't see me yet! It's bad luck! I'm already freaking out enough as is!" SMG3 called out from behind the door. SMG4 frowned as he heard that.

"Three, we're gonna get married in an hour, does it matter if I see you now or later?" SMG4 asked, placing a hand on the doorknob. Meggy soon got an idea.

"Hey Three, take your tie and wrap it around your eyes like a blindfold. I'll do the same with Four. That way you won't see each other. Does that sound okay?" Meggy asked, hearing silence for a moment before a sigh.

"Okay, that's fine." SMG3 said, making Meggy take SMG4's tie off and wrap it around his head, securing it so it wouldn't slip off. Meggy opened the door and led SMG4 over to a blindfolded SMG3. The two men slowly reached out for each other and SMG3 went straight into SMG4's arms when he figured out where the other one stood. SMG4 gently rubbed his back in small circles.

"It's okay, Three. I got you." He said softly to him, before hearing SMG3 sigh and feeling him relax in his arms. "Now, what's got you so wound up?"

"Just, the wedding in general...I was worried I'd be standing alone at the altar and you would have run the other way." SMG3 admitted before SMG4 kissed his cheek and reached down with his free hand to hold the other's.

"The only way I'm running is closer to you. I'm not gonna turn into a runaway groom and leave you. I love you way too much to even think of doing something like that." He said honestly as he gave his hand a gentle squeeze. "Three, I'm never gonna leave you. I promise." He said before he felt SMG3 place a hand on his cheek.

"You're really took good for me, you know." SMG3 said before leaning forward and kissing him gently. SMG4 gladly reciprocated the kiss, pulling SMG3 close to him as the kiss was deepened by the latter. SMG4 let his hand trail down the other's back, softly cupping SMG3's ass.

"Guys, Mario and I are still in here!" Meggy shrieked, making the two men pull back as their faces became bright red.

"S-Sorry Meggy! We got carried away!" SMG4 admitted as he laughed sheepishly. Meggy shook her head.

"Since it seems like SMG3 is okay now, I think we should get SMG4 back to his room so that you both can finish getting ready now." Meggy said before Mario began to leave the room with SMG4.

"I'll see you soon, Three." SMG4 called out to his partner before he heard the door close. Once back in his room, SMG4 finished getting ready again, making sure he looked good before the wedding planner came to get SMG4 downstairs. SMG4 sighed as he stood outside of where the ceremony was going to take place. He watched as Eggdog, who was the flower child, and BEEG, who was the ring bearer, walked down the aisle first. He waited for his cue, which was when the music began to play to signify his entry. He took in a deep breath and stepped into the room. Seeing everyone standing and smiling at him made him a little nervous, but when he saw SMG3 looking at him with such love in his eyes, he couldn't help but to relax.

He soon made it to the altar, taking hold of SMG3's hand and just drank in with how he looked. A black suit, purple tie and a tiny blue rose in his jacket's pocket made him look dashing. SMG3 gave his hand a squeeze as he smiled at the other. A small cough of their officiant, or rather officiants, made them look up. SMG1 and SMG2 gave them a thumbs up before SMG1 began to speak.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of SMG3 and SMG4. The couple have decided to write their own vows and will now recite them allowed." SMG1 stated before looking at SMG4 to start. SMG4 reached into his jacket's inner pocket and pulled out a folded up piece of paper. He opened it up and cleared his throat to begin.

"Three, when we first met, I never thought our relationship would go beyond the bounds of a professional one. Surely, little by little, I slowly fell in love with you. You made me feel happier than I've ever been in a long time, and I wanna keep feeling that way with you. I will do my best to make you feel the same each and every day for the rest of my life. I want you to know, that I will always love you, and will cherish every second we spend together. I promise to always be by your side, through good times and bad, and I will never let you go." He said as he heard a few people in attendance 'aww'.

SMG2 smiled before looking at SMG3 to get him to start his vows. SMG3 was handed a piece of paper by Meggy, which he graciously took and looked at it.

"Four, I will admit, I didn't think I would ever find someone to love. I always thought I'd end up alone no matter what I did because of the things I have done, but you accepted me. Faults and all. You even tried to save my life, and I don't know if I'll ever be able to repay you for all that you've done. All I know is that I can be a pillow if you need a hug, a smile if you need to be happy, a shoulder to cry on if you need to. Most importantly, if you ever need a friend, I'll just be me." He said as he began to tear up, seeing SMG4 doing the same. "I love you so much, Four."

SMG4 sniffled and wiped his tears away before reaching forward to do the same with SMG3. "I love you too, Three."

SMG2 soon opened his mouth. "If anyone has any objections why these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace." The room was silent for a moment.

"Then by the power vested in us-" SMG1 started it off.

"By Princess Peach of the Mushroom Kingdom-" SMG2 continued it.

"You may now seal this magnificent union with a kiss!" The two said together as they smiled at the awaiting couple happily.

SMG4 and SMG3 smiled at one another as they stepped closer, taking hold of each other's faces before leaning in and softly kissing one another.

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