Matchmaking Time

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It had been a week since that encounter with SMG3, and ever since he has obviously been avoiding contact with SMG4, which made the latter even more upset and confused about what went wrong. The two were okay with what they did weren't they? SMG4 knew he'd have to confront SMG3 about this sooner or later, so when he arrived at work he decided he would go up to his office and talk with him. He walked inside the casino and over to the time clock, only stopping when he realized that he was an hour early. He stepped away, hoping to wait out his time here, and ended up bumping into a familiar face.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't see you there." The man said, making SMG4 look up to see that it was Axol, with a bandage covering one of his eyes.

"Hey, Axol, the doctor give you the okay to return back to work already?" SMG4 asked, forgetting about his original task at hand.

"Not exactly, but I need the money to pay off my medical bills that my insurance didn't cover." Axol said as the two of them walked to the coffee shop.

"Right, I'm really sorry again about my friend putting you in the hospital. I hope you're not in too much pain."

"Don't worry about it, doctor's said I should be back to mostly normal in a couple of weeks." Axol said as he got behind the counter, slipping on his apron and nametag.

"Yeah, Melony told us about your condition after every visit with you. You're really lucky to have a girlfriend like her." SMG4 said, making Axol blush as he got out the coffee beans to grind for the day.

"Oh, no, you got it wrong. Melony's not my girlfriend. Just a friend..." Axol said, the last part sounding a little sad. SMG4 frowned as he heard that.

"I'm surprised. I thought for sure you two were dating. The way she kept talking about you while you were in the hospital made me think you guys were together. It was honestly cute." Axol turned a darker red as he heard that statement, choosing to instead to focus on grinding the beans. "Why don't you ask her out?"

"I couldn't. Every time I go to, I feel my mouth go dry and my hands get sweaty and...and...I'm worried I'll ruin our friendship if I say anything about dating her." Axol admitted with a defeated sigh and ended the grinding process, tossing the grounds into the coffee maker. "I don't want to lose the person I'm closest too if she doesn't feel the same way." He said as he added the water and started the machine.

"Why not just ask her out to dinner or a movie and see if she drops any hints about her liking you?" SMG4 suggested as he moved to help Axol behind the counter with getting stuff ready, seeing as he didn't have anything better to do than just to talk.

"It's not that simple. Melony is really innocent, like five year old innocence. She'll probably just think we're having dinner and not consider it a date." Axol said as he got some of the frozen desserts out of the freezer to thaw so they could be put into the oven.

"You'll never know if you never ask her." SMG4 said as he looked over Axol once everything was set up. "You can't go through life and look back wondering what if. Wouldn't you rather take a chance and have a definite answer instead of having someone else beat you to the punch?"

Axol looked away for a moment, silent before hitting his fist on the counter. "No! You're right! I'll ask her out!" He said, making SMG4 smile. "But, I've never been on a date before. So, I'm not sure what to do."

SMG4 thought for a moment. "I think I can help in that department. Let me put some ideas on paper and I'll get back to you tomorrow morning?" He suggested, before seeing the clock getting closer to his clock in time. He waved goodbye to Axol before heading to the punch in clock. Once he was clocked in, he moved to grab his cart, brainstorming the whole time about what ideas he could possibly have Axol use for a date night.

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