Poisoned Flowers

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It was about two days later when SMG4 was being released from the hospital, and SMG4 couldn't be more determined than he was right now. He was planning to profess his love to SMG3, there was no more waiting for the right time. Since the incident, he knew that he wasn't gonna live forever, so he didn't wanna waste anymore time. He was rolled out in a wheelchair to the curb where Meggy awaited him with her car. A happy looking Mario was sitting in the backseat.

"Hey SMG4, you ready to hit it?" She asked as she smiled at her friend as the man in question got up from the wheelchair.

"Yeah, I'm ready." He said before getting into the driver's seat. Once Meggy got in, she began to drive out of the hospital's parking lot. "Can you stop at Luigi's flower shop? I actually wanna get some flowers before seeing the others." He said, since Meggy and Mario were taking him to the casino to let everyone see he was okay. Meggy nodded and turned on to the street.

"Why do you need flowers?" Mario asked curiously, looking between the two seats to look at SMG4.

"I want to give them to Three when I tell him that I'm in love with him." SMG4 admitted, blushing slightly.

"Ahhhhh! Finally!" Meggy said happily as she was glad to have her friend find love and was ready to tell the person he loved.

"Gay!" Mario said, before Meggy lightly smacked Mario's head at a red light.

"Mario, be nice! SMG4 is gonna put his heart on the line today, he doesn't need you making light of it!" Meggy said as Mario rubbed the back of his head. "We need to be supportive."

"Mario is being very supportive! He did the same when Luigi came out to him years ago!" Mario huffed before he looked over at SMG4. He placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm glad you're getting a boyfriend now. You've been alone for too long."

SMG4 smiled a little bit. "Honestly, I should be thanking you Mario, if you didn't leave me saddled with all of that debt I wouldn't have gotten to know the person I think I may want to spend the rest of my life with." He admitted, blushing as the car stopped in front of Luigi's shop. SMG4 got out of the car and went inside the store, heading to the counter and ringing the bell.

Luigi came out from the back and smiled. "SMG4, it's good to see you up and moving again. I heard about what happened. How are you feeling?" He asked, walking over to him.

"I'm fine Luigi, a broken arm and a minor concussion but I'll heal up before you know it." He said before looking at the different flowers nearby.

"Is there something I can help you find?" Luigi asked as he moved around the counter to help.

"I'm planning on telling someone I love them and I need some flowers." SMG4 admitted, making Luigi excited.

"Let me get a bouquet together for you! Just tell me what colors you need!" Luigi said, making SMG4 think.

"How about purple?" SMG4 said as he watched Luigi move around. He looked down at his phone after a moment, letting Luigi work. Once Luigi was done, he cleared his throat. SMG4 looked up to find Luigi holding a mix of light purple dahlias and dark purple gladiolus.

"It looks perfect Luigi, how much do I owe you?" SMG4 asked, reaching into his pocket to get his wallet.

Luigi shook his head and pushed the bouquet into SMG4's hands. "You can't put a price on love. Just promise me you'll hold them tight and never let them go, okay?"

SMG4 smiled and held the flowers close. "I promise. Thank you Luigi. I owe you big time." He said before leaving the shop, getting back in the car.

"Wow, you picked some really pretty flowers." Meggy said as she looked at them.

"Actually, Luigi did all of the picking and assorting. I just picked the color." SMG4 admitted.

"My bro really knows what he's doing when it comes to flowers." Mario said as Meggy began to drive them to the casino. Once there, they got out and SMG4 took a deep breath, before feeling a hand on his back. He looked over at Mario as his best friend gave him a thumbs up. "You got this, SMG4." He said as he smiled.

Meggy stepped up beside him and gently nudged him forward with her hip. "Don't get cold feet now. If you don't tell him now you may never tell him how you feel." She said before seeing the determined look on SMG4's face.

"You're right. I can't back out now. I can't let fear take over my whole life." SMG4 said confidently.

"That's the spirit! Now go get him tiger! Mario and I will be waiting for you!" Meggy cheered before SMG4 made his way to the elevators, taking in deep breaths as he rode it up. Meggy led Mario over to the coffee shop, having Mario take a seat at the table before going up to Karen and ordering herself a coffee and Mario a hot chocolate. She returned with the drinks and sat down. "They'll make a cute couple." She said as she handed Mario his drink.

Mario sipped his drink and nodded. The two talked with each other for about fifteen minutes before Mario noticed the time on the clock behind Meggy. "Don't you think they should have been down by now? At least SMG4?" Mario asked, making Meggy look over at the clock and blink.

"Yeah, they should have. Maybe we should go check in on them." Meggy said, picking up her now empty cup and throwing it in the trashcan as she got up from the table. She moved out of the coffee shop and walked with Mario over to the elevators. She was about to push the button to call the elevator when the doors opened up to reveal a crying SMG4. "SMG4, what happened?" She asked, blinking at how upset he was.

"I-I don't want to talk about it..." SMG4 choked out as he stepped away from his friends, taking the flowers from in his hands and tossing them in the trash, making Meggy gasp in shock. Mario frowned and wanted to chase after his best friend, but Meggy gently grabbed his hand to stop him.

"Maybe we should give him some space..." Meggy said sadly as her own heart hurt for SMG4. Whatever happened upstairs made him so upset that he left and threw away the flowers. Meggy looked back at the elevator and felt her sadness turn to anger. 'This is all SMG3's fault. He did something to make SMG4 cry and run out.' She thought as she clenched her fists. "Come on Red, let's go give SMG3 a piece of our minds." She said before she pressed the button to open up the elevator doors.

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