Written In The Stars

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"He's...He's not okay..." SMG4 looked at Meggy worriedly with wide eyes as she heard her speak. She looked away from his gaze. "You both fell, and he held you, taking the majority of the force of the fall." She said as Mario placed a hand on her shoulder. She had seen the aftermath of the fall, heard the crunching of bone and flesh against concrete, the blood was almost instantaneous. Meggy took in a deep breath as she tried to calm herself down. "You both were taken here and brought into surgery to repair the damage that was done. You only had the casts and bandages taken off about a month or two ago. You're currently in the ICU and SMG3 is...next door...and in a coma like you were..." She said sadly as she felt SMG4 squeezing her hand again.

SMG4 felt his heart ache as he wanted nothing more than to go to SMG3 and be with him until he woke up, but his body refused to move much, he felt exhausted. He opened his mouth to try and say something, but only a harsh noise came out. He frowned and looked down, wanting to communicate what he wanted to them.

"The doctor said you'd be in a few months of therapy to regain your motor and speech functions." Meggy said as she looked back at SMG4, which made SMG4 upset. "But Mario and I will be by your side the whole time." She stated firmly. He soon heard the door open and saw the doctor come in from his peripheral vision.

"Ah, you're awake, this is great. I'm going to order a few simple tests in a few days to make sure that all of the brain activity is normal." The doctor said as he walked over to make sure his patient was able to hear him properly. SMG4 looked up at him in acknowledgement. "At least you can still see, so that's good news." He said before Mario cleared his throat.

"Can SMG4 see SMG3?" Mario asked, which SMG4 was relieved that Mario of all people could tell he needed to see SMG3. The doctor shook his head, which made SMG4 upset.

"Your friend needs time to adjust to being out of a coma, let him get some rest and a little bit of physical therapy in before we have him making visits." The doctor said before finishing up with examining SMG4. "The nurses will be checking in with you and getting you ready for when physical therapy starts. Right now, all you need to worry about is getting some rest." The doctor stated before leaving the three in the room.

SMG4 frowned as he looked at his friends. "Sorry, SMG4. Mario tried." Mario said sadly. SMG4 closed his eyes. He felt like he had been hit by a train and wanted nothing more than to sleep it all off. He drifted off to sleep, opening his eyes he found himself in the same room, but it was completely dark. He looked around, not seeing any sort of light on from the door that led to the hallway, the moon and stars being his only source of light. He was able to lift himself up, feeling almost lighter than air. He stepped out of bed and moved to go out the door, but instead just phased through it.

He was confused but looked down the hallway, seeing a bright light at the end coming closer to him. He panicked and began to run away from it, thinking that he had probably just died and that was the light at the end of the tunnel he always was told about. He ran through the hallways, taking many turns until he reached a dead end. He turned around as the light had followed him. He wasn't ready to die, so he shut his eyes and sunk down on to the floor as he froze up in fear.

When nothing happened for a moment, he slowly opened his eyes and looked up to the light. It wasn't just some ball or abstract shape, the light was more human shaped. It stroked SMG4's hair with a soft and warm feeling to it, letting SMG4 know it was trustworthy. It helped SMG4 back to his feet and held his hand, giving it a squeeze. He walked with it back down the hallways, letting it lead him wherever it had in mind. It led him upstairs and through another door, leading out on to the roof. It had SMG4 stand beside it.

SMG4 watched as he saw it wave his hand through the air, making him look up as he watched the stars move with each gesture of its hand. The stars moved to make words appear.

'I am SMG3.'

SMG4 had to reread those words multiple times before immediately moving and hugging SMG3, feeling like he was gonna break down and cry. SMG3 held SMG4 close and rubbed his back gently to comfort him. SMG4 pressed his face into his shoulder. It wasn't the real thing, his mind was just trying to make him feel better. It was just a dream after all. SMG4 tried to speak but no words came out, just like when he was awake. The two pulled away and the figure moved his hand again to change the stars.

'Talk with stars.'

SMG4 was confused as he didn't know how to, but held his hand up and tried anyways. His head felt like it was burning as he tried to move even just one, so he gave up after moving just two of them. SMG3 patted his back and waved his hand.

'Sorry Four, it takes practice.'

SMG4 slumped his shoulders in defeat, wanting to communicate with SMG3. He just moved and hugged him again, holding him close and not wanting to let him go. He felt his cheek getting stroked and looked up at SMG3. He lightly placed his forehead against his, tearing up. He wanted to be able to talk to him again, tell him how much he loves him. SMG3 suddenly pulled back and waved his hand once more.

'We'll talk more later. I love you.'

SMG4 read the words before he was suddenly awoken by a nurse taking his vitals. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." She said as she wrote something down on her clipboard. SMG4 frowned and looked up at the ceiling. "You must be wanting some real food to eat, I'll go see if you're able to have solids." She said before she left the room. SMG4 soon looked at the wall ahead of him, spotting a clock next to the tv. The clock on the wall read 7:35 in the morning. All SMG4 wanted to do was go back to sleep so that he could talk with SMG3 again.

It was the only way he knew that he was still with him.

A Debt to Repay (SMG34)Where stories live. Discover now