Aftercare and Pillow Talk

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SMG3 and SMG4 stayed still, holding on to one another as they came down from their highs. They remained silent, moving and looking at one another. SMG3 was the first to make a move, gently kissing SMG4, keeping it short and sweet. SMG4 reciprocated the kiss before stroking his cheek as they relaxed, staring at one another. "We should get cleaned up." SMG4 said, which SMG3 agreed with him. The two slowly untangled their bodies from one another before getting off the bed to head to the bathroom.

SMG3 hissed a little, careful with how he moved. SMG4 kept near him, making sure he was okay. They went into the bathroom, SMG3 sitting on the edge of the tub to plug it up and turn on the warm water. "Would you mind grabbing some epsom salts and a bath bomb from underneath the sink?" SMG3 asked, SMG4 moving and opening up the sink's cabinet. He grabbed the bag of salts and a random bath bomb.

"Pink champagne and peach bellini?" SMG4 asked with a small chuckle.

SMG3 nodded. "Nothing wrong with wanting to smell nice." He said before testing the water to make sure it was warm enough once it was full. He took the items from SMG4 and poured a little of the salts into the water and then the bath bomb, watching it fizz and change the water into a striking orange color. "Get in and I'll get in in front of you."

SMG4 moved and carefully got in the water, leaning against the back of the tub to get comfortable. SMG3 got in and moved to lay against SMG4's chest, sighing softly as the warm water reached his chest. "I really needed this." SMG3 admitted as he closed his eyes to relax for a moment. He opened his eyes a minute later as he felt SMG4 reach to grab one of the bottles nearby.

SMG4 looked over the label and noticed the scents available on the bottles, strawberry shortcake, blueberry maple waffles, honey apple champagne. "You certainly like your fruity scents." He commented.

SMG3 chuckled softly. "I'm a fruity kind of guy." He joked, hearing a snort from SMG4, followed by feeling his face being buried in his hair.

"You're so silly." SMG4 said before grabbing the loofah to clean up SMG3 and himself. The two took turns cleaning one another, and SMG3 really enjoyed it when SMG4 massaged the shampoo into his scalp. If he didn't know any better he would have likely fallen asleep in the tub. Once the water began to get cool, they drained the water from the tub and got out, wrapping themselves in fluffy towels.

They dried off and went back to their bedroom, getting into their matching pajamas from Christmas before stripping the sheets and putting the clean ones on. They got into bed and SMG3 moved into SMG4's awaiting arms. The two relaxed, occasionally looking at each other. SMG3 fully looked up at SMG4, who's face was being illuminated by the moonlight. "Hey, Four, you know the debt is almost gone..." SMG3 said softly.

SMG4 was a little confused that SMG3 had brought up the debt all of a sudden, since they hadn't talked about it in months, and this wasn't exactly the place to talk about it.

"You'll be able to leave soon...Go anywhere you want, do anything...don't have to stay here..." SMG3 said, a bit of fear in his voice as he gently gripped the front of SMG4's pajama shirt. "Or have anything to do with me again..."

SMG4 was surprised that this was coming out of left field, not expecting any of this at all. He frowned as things were pretty good, amazing even, and now SMG3 was seemingly pushing him away. He gently tightened his grip on SMG3, holding him close. "Hey hey, just because I won't be indebted to you anymore, doesn't mean I won't wanna spend time with you." He said, looking down at him, stroking his hair back gently to comfort him. "I'm not going anywhere as long as you'll have me around." He said softly to him.

SMG3 looked into his eyes, seeing that he was being genuine about everything he was saying. "You promise you're not messing with me?" He asked gently. SMG4 placed his hand on top of SMG3's, stroking his knuckles with his thumb.

"I promise." He stated with sincerity in his voice. SMG3 looked away from him, just resting his head on his chest as he softly squeezed his hand.

"Thank you." He whispered to him, relaxing in his arms and just closing his eyes for awhile. He stayed quiet for a little bit, debating in his head whether or not he should tell him how he felt. He decided, in a surge of courage, to tell him. "SMG4...I-I love you..." He said, tensing up as he expected to yelled at or called disgusting or something. When he didn't receive a response, he opened his eyes and looked up to find that SMG4 had already fallen asleep.

SMG3 sighed softly and closed his eyes again. He felt a little bit of relief that his confession wasn't hear, but a little sad at the same time. Maybe he'd be able to have a bit more time to figure out how to properly tell him. Maybe he'd set up a proper date and make it completely intimate to set the mood. Maybe he'd be able to have the courage to tell him again one day.

Or maybe that day would never come.

((Author's note: I'm so sorry this chapter is so short compared to the others. I really tried, but I didn't want to write word vomit and make it seem long and drawn out.))

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