SEVENTEEN: Woozi- I'll Mentor You

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You're just made the cut to be a trainee at Pledis Entertainment. You made it into the program via video recording. You didn't think you'd get picked out of all of the other people trying out, but you did. You and 15 others were accepted into the training program. When you auditioned your dancing skills were good but your voice was absolutely stunning. One problem with training is that you were completely petrified of singing in front of other people, no matter the number. You didn't have a problem with auditioning because you could just pretend the camera wasn't there.
It was your first day of training and everyone was requested to sing in front of the group so they could be more comfortable with each other.
You were finally called to the front of the group after all of the other trainee's have went.
You stand, quaking with the mic, and open your mouth to sing. Your voice comes out soft and quietly, barely audible.
"Louder." The vocal instructor repeats impatiently for the third time.
You bite your lip so hard, you taste blood. You try to take deep breaths to calm yourself down but that doesn't work.
Finally the instructor snaps. "How did you ever get into the program if you can't even sing?!" She angrily stomps towards you, her hair that was pulled back into a ponytail, swinging in time to her stomps.
You flinch at her comment and she glares at you with cold, piercing eyes.
"Soobin, I'll handle this." A boy with faded light pink hair straightens in the doorway.
She bows and the rest of us follow suit.
"Please greet, Woozi sunbae from SEVENTEEN."
"Annyeosayeo." We chant in unison.
He eyes you curiously, making you shift self-consciously underneath his gaze. "Can I run through some exercises with her?" He asks Soobin.
"I-I'm supposed to keep them together..." She mumbles nervously.
"It won't be for long." He assures her.
She reluctantly nods and glares at you. "Behave, don't cause any trouble for Woozi sunbae." She snaps like she's talking to a three year old.
You nod and walk over to where he's standing.
He smiles kindly and grabs your arm, gently leading you out of the room.
He brings you to a recording room and sits you down on the couch.
"Sunbae, I don't mean to be rude- but why am I here?" You ask nervously.
He laughs and ruffles your hair. "I heard your audition and wanted to hear you sing in person, but it seems like you're nervous in front of other people."
"Ne." You reply shyly, ducking your head so you don't have to look him in the eye.
"(Y/n)? Would you mind singing for me?"
You jerk your head up in surprise. "Mwo?"
"Will you sing for me?" He repeats.
"S-sure." You stutter. "What do you want me to sing?"
He pauses, thinking. "How about one of SEVENTEEN's songs? Adore U?"
"Ne." You reply before clearing your throat and starting to sing the chorus. "Geunikka nae mareun neoreul da algo sipeo
Neoreul noraehae u-hoo neoreul noraehae
Ipsuri mallado halmareun haeyagesseo baby
Akkyeo neol akkyeo neol hyeongijeung nal jeongdoro
Yojeummarya naegamarya-" you finish cleanly and immediately look at your hands as your face starts to heat up.
"Interesting." He murmurs, biting his lip and eyeing you curiously.
"Mwo?" You mutter, shifting.
"Why do you sing so quietly around other people? You were fine around me."
You bite the inside of your cheek before replying. "I-I don't know, I guess I feel comfortable around you..." You trail off.
He chuckles. "As much as I like that answer, you're not going to debut if you refuse to sing louder than a mouse's squeak."
You nod.
"So since you have potential, I'll teach you to strengthen your voice and how to be more comfortable on stage and in front of people."
"Mwo?" You ask, surprised. "Why do you want to mentor me?"
He raises an eyebrow and you mutter an apology. "Like I said, you have potential." He stands up and offers you a hand.
You take it and follow him out of the room.
"I'll see you tomorrow, same time, same place. Now I'd get back to the group lesson before Soobin's head explodes." He nods in the direction of the practice room.
You bow and he returns the bow before turning around, walking in the opposite direction.
"Kamsahamnida subae-nim!" You shout after him.
He waves a hand in acknowledgement and you turn and walk back to the group lesson.
*The Next Day*
You're waiting outside the recording room and tap your foot impatiently. It's been a half and hour and Woozi still hasn't showed up. You push yourself off of the wall and start to walk away, then run into somebody.
You start to bow and apologize then he gasps. It's Woozi. "(Y/n)."
You start to say something snarky then realize he ran here.
"Mianhae," he pants. "The dance session ran later and management wouldn't let me leave. Mianhae." He bends over and takes deep breaths. "I got here as fast as I could."
"It's okay, kamsamida sunbae."
He straightens. "Don't call me sunbae, it makes me feel old. Let's talk to each other comfortably, call me Jihoon."
You blush and nod.
"Okay, let's get started." He says as he starts to pull you down the hallway towards the auditorium where the stage is with an evil glint in his eye.
*Once You Reach The Auditorium*
He positions you in the middle of the stage and tells you to stay put before walking out of the door.
Five minutes pass and Jihoon walks back in with DK. They walk up onto the stage and you bow. "Annyeosayeo DK sunbae." You greet.
"Please, call me Seokmin." He smiles warmly.
"Okay." Jihoon claps his hands together. "To strengthen your voice I want you to stay here."
"Mwo?" You ask as Jihoon walks off the stage with Seokmin in tow. They walk to the back of the auditorium and Jihoon shouts. "I want you to sing the chorus to Adore U!"
You take a breath and sing. "Geunikka nae mareun-"
He cuts you off. "Louder!"
You repeat the sentence, only to be cut off by Jihoon yelling "louder!"
You repeat it for the fourth time, then he cuts you off. Again.
You glare daggers at Jihoon, making Seokmin laugh.
"How about yelling the chorus?!"
Seokmin suggests, sounding more like he's commanding then asking.
You frown in confusion but follow his instructions. "Geunikka nae mareun neoreul da algo sipeo
Neoreul noraehae u-hoo neoreul noraehae
Ipsuri mallado halmareun haeyagesseo baby
Akkyeo neol akkyeo neol hyeongijeung nal jeongdoro
Yojeummarya naegamarya!" This time Jihoon doesn't cut you off.
"That was good! Now sing at that level!" Seokmin instructs.
"Geunikka nae mareun neoreul da algo sipeo
Neoreul noraehae u-hoo neoreul noraehae
Ipsuri mallado halmareun haeyagesseo baby
Akkyeo neol akkyeo neol hyeongijeung nal jeongdoro
Yojeummarya naegamarya-" You finish and excitedly run off the stage and into Seokmin's arms.
"I did it! Kamsahamnida Seokmin!" You squeal into his chest.
"That's enough for today." You hear Jihoon state firmly, a hard edge to his voice.
You take a step back and bow 90 degrees. "Mianhae Seokmin."
"It's okay." He chuckles and ruffles your hair.
"You can go now dongsaeng." Jihoon requests tightly, his eyes cold. He squeezes his hands into a fist but puts them behind his back so you don't notice.
"Bye (Y/n)!" Seokmin shouts as he heads out the door.
"Bye!" You reply, smiling warmly.
"I'll see you tomorrow." Jihoon states with no emotion, before he walks away.
Over the rest of the week Jihoon brings in other SEVENTEEN members to help you strengthen your voice.
*Next Week*
You walk into the auditorium and place your bag in one of the chairs lining the stage. "Annyeosayeo Jihoon." You smile.
He smiles and grabs your bag.
"What are you doing?" You ask.
"We're going out." He says as he walks out of the room, you trailing behind him.
He walks over to a van and opens the door for you. You climb inside and buckle your seat belt. "Where are we going?" You ask him.
He grins. "Somewhere."
"Well that's specific." You mutter, looking out the window.
You hear him laugh.
*Once You Reach Your Destination*
"Where are we?" You ask him as he helps you out of the car. You answer your question before he can. "The park? You took me to the park?"
"Yep." He walks over to where a mic and speakers are set up.
"What's this?" You ask.
"A mic, you've seen one before right?"
You roll your eyes. "I meant what are we doing?"
"Not we, you. You're going to sing."
"Mwo?!" You exclaim, giving him a look saying "are you crazy?!"
"You need to learn to sing comfortably around other people." He points out. "This is the best way to help you."
Once he has his back turned you mouth "help," with air quotations.
"I saw that." He says without turning around.
*Once Everything's Set Up*
"Everybody! Can I have your attention jebal?!" Jihoon speaks into the mic.
People start to notice an idol's speaking and gather around the makeshift stage. "Kamsahamnida. I'm currently mentoring a trainee who has a fear of singing in front of people." He takes a breath and glances at you before continuing. "Would you please stay and listen to her sing to help her overcome her fear?"
A couple people leave, but most of them stay.
"Kamsahamnida. Now introducing... (Y/f/n) (Y/l/n)!"
You nervously wipe your hands on your jeans before walk to the mic and grabbing it. You hold it in a death grip and stare at the ground, feeling everybody's eyes on you.
"It's okay. You'll be fine." Jihoon murmurs softly from behind.
You take a breath and begin.
*After The Song*
Everyone starts clapping and Jihoon turns you around so you're facing him. He grins, making his eyes sparkle.
"Kamsahamnida, everyone." Jihoon says into the microphone before he grabs your hand and pulls you to a more secluded area. "You did it." He brushes a stray piece of hair away from your face.
"I did it..." You repeat, unable to comprehend that you actually did it.
"You did it." He whispers, leaning towards you.
"(Y/n)! That was amazing!" Seokmin yells, grabbing your waist while picking you up and spinning in a circle.
"Yeah." You giggle.
He sets you down and hugs you. "Um, (Y/n)... Would you like to go on a date with me?" He nervously asks as he hugs you.
"Aniyo." Jihoon answers, or more like barks.
"I wasn't asking you hyung." Seokmin retorts.
"Go away dongsaeng." Jihoon snarls, his eyes flashing as he takes a step towards him.
"Aniyo. You don't answer for her, hyung. She has a mind of her own." He points out, standing his ground.
Jihoon stalks over to where you are and grabs the back of Seokmin's shirt, prying the two of you apart.
"Hyung!" Seokmin shouts, struggling to get free.
"Aniyo, go away." Jihoon snarls, shoving him away from you, or as best as he can with the height difference.
Seokmin stumbles then regains his footing. "(Y/n)..." He looks at you with a wounded expression on his face.
"M-mianhae, Seokmin. I-I don't feel the same." You mumble.
"Oh..." He exhales, his hopeful expression crumbling into hurt.
"You heard her, go." Jihoon states, sounding more kind than earlier.
Once he's out of sight, Jihoon walks to where you are. "M-mianhae." He whispers.
You bite your lip and look away. "You didn't have to be mean, Jihoon."
"I did. He knew that I liked you and thought he could take you away from me." He grumbles, his eyes flashing.
"Take me away from you?" You ask. "Who says I was yours to begin with?"
He jerks his head up in surprise. "Mwo?"
You sigh, "I was trying to teach you a lesson."
He bites back a grin. "I'm the mentor, not you."
You scoff. "We'll see about that." You start to walk away and he runs after you.
"Wait! You didn't answer me!" He shouts. "Do you like me or not?!"
"Ne! I like you Jihoon!" You yell back, then his arms wrap around you waist as he catches you.
He lightly kisses your cheek. "Good. I wouldn't have taken no for an answer."

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