KNK: Youjin- Flower Boy Magic

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I just have to say this. Youjin looks like the type of person your father wouldn't approve of, but to me, he just seems to have such a sweet side.
Click on the video above, and you'll see what I mean.
"Would you like a flower?"
You feel a gentle tap on your shoulder and turn around to see a handsome man with dark hair, twinkling eyes and a gentle smile that contrasts his sharp jawline.
He offers a bright red rose to you. "Sweet Stems, the flower shop that I work at, just opened around the corner." He awkwardly tries to point over his shoulder while attempting to maintain eye contact with you.
You cover up a giggle as a light blush starts to form on his cheeks.
"You, um, you should come visit me there- I mean not me, the flowers, come visit the flowers." His words start to blur together while he becomes more panicked, trying to salvage the conversation. "The flowers, they get really lonely."
"The flowers get lonely?" You tease him, bringing the rose up to your face and sniffing it, inhaling the pleasant scent of spring.
He ducks his head and mumbles, "yeah, the sun's not much company."
You bite back a smile. "I'll try to stop by tomorrow. I wouldn't want the flowers to get too lonely."
He jerks his head up, a bright grin on his face. I'll see you then..."
If it was even possible, his smile grew even more. "I'm Youjin."
*The Next Day*
You peek through the window of the newly–opened flower store; spotting a familiar tall figure bent over a patch of daisies.
You push open the door, the small bell attached to the door jingling softly, but Youjin didn't seem to hear it.
You browse through the aisles, admiring many different flowers from lilacs to tulips, slowly making your way to Youjin.
A section of daffodils separate you from Youjin, and you hear him murmur, "do you think she likes me? I hope so."
"The flowers don't seem that lonely to me."
He whirls around in surprise, accidentally pulling an iris from the moist soil. "You actually came," he breathes out, apparently forgetting the flower as he grins at you.
"Well I didn't want to disappoint the flowers."
"Only the flowers?" He turns away from you to grab a small, silver watering can.
You reach out and grab the single iris from his hand, lightly running your fingers along the stem. "You should be more careful."
He glances over at you, his gaze falling on the flower before he goes back to watering the flowers. "I should, but I get nervous around pretty girls. I'm around pretty flowers all day, so when I see a girl that's prettier than my flowers, I don't really know what to do."
You smile at his statement, tucking the iris behind your ear, then pat him on the shoulder.
He sets the watering can down and faces you.
"So since you think I'm pretty already, and I have a flower," you motion to the purple, yellow and white flower. "Does this mean I'm gorgeous now?"
He takes a step forward and grabs the flower in between his fingers, expertly twirling it while staring at you with sparkling eyes and a sweet smile. "No, you're still gorgeous without the flower."
you advert your eyes while saying, "you shouldn't say stuff like that in front of the flowers, they might get jealous."
He lifts your chin up so your eye-to-eye, then whispers while leaning closer to you, "then they'll be extremely mad at what I'm about to do."
His lips just barely graze over yours, and yet you're having trouble staying on your feet.
He pulls back a fraction of an inch. "Will you stay for-" he glimpses at a small clock shaped like a daisy that's mounted on the wall. "- a half an hour? I get off then and I'll take you on a date."
You smile and grab the single iris, tucking it behind his ear. "I'll wait."
His eyes dart down to your lips and he pecks them once more before returning to his work, humming softly to himself as he plucks tiny weeds from the soil.
About five minutes until he's officially done with his shift, he turns around with a full bouquet of various flowers arranged neatly in a bunch.
Your gaze is drawn to a particular type of flower, a carnation, that you could of sworn was on the opposite side of the shop. "How did you?-"
"Flower boy magic." He wiggles his fingers at you, then moves to untie a small, great apron that secured around his waist to keep the dirt off his clothes. "Let's go, my little flower girl." He casually intertwines your hands while pulling you out of the shop.
"Where are we going?" You ask, trying to keep up with his long strides.
"A tea shop, they have this amazing jasmine tea that they serve there."
You laugh at his remark. "You really love flowers."
"I know, and I love them even more now. Because of them, I got to meet you."

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