SEVENTEEN: Mingyu-Broken Hearts and Cliche Lines

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"(Y/n)!" Mingyu shouts, grabbing your wrist to stop you from leaving. "Jebal." He stares at you with a tear-stricken expression.
"Let me go." You insist, not looking at him. You know if you do, you'll crack and let him comfort you, like he always does after a fight. The only problem was, you fought almost every day. You couldn't deal with the fighting, it hurts you too much. He was everything to you but when he starts shouting, even over the littlest thing, it's like the Mingyu you knew, disappeared. 
"Mianhae." His voice cracks and he swallows hard.
"Mingyu, after my last relationship. I really didn't want to regret any other ones, especially ours... I don't want to regret you." You whisper.
"Then don't. Stay with me." He pleads.
"I-I hope you're nicer to your next girlfriend. She won't deserve to be treated like you treated me." You pull your hand out of his and walk out of your once-shared apartment.
"(Y/n)." He sobs, reaching out his hand like he wants to grab you, but can't.
Your heart splits in half, who knew it hurt so much when the person you loved, called your name for the last time.
*Two Weeks Later*
Saying goodbye to Mingyu was easy, compared to the heartache you had to deal with after.
It's like everything reminded you of him. A corny joke one of your friend's told, and you turned to your left to look at Mingyu, only to realize that he wasn't there.
Even something simple as seeing a baby in public. You'd expect him to tug on your arm excitedly and point her out while saying something like. "Our little girl's going to be as cute as her."
"(Y/n)... Can I come in?" Wonwoo's soft voice says from the other side of your bedroom door.
"Yeah." You sigh while the door creaks open.
"I heard what happened with you and Mingyu." He states as he sits on the edge of your bed.
You look away as you bite your lip, feeling the familiar heartache coming back at the mention of his name. "And?" Your reply comes out harsher than you meant it, but you don't apologize.
"Why were you fighting?" He asks, his voice getting softer like if he talks normally you'll burst into tears.
"He would get upset over the most stupidest things, and then just start screaming at me." You whisper, fiddling with the hem of the comforter.
"I don't want to make you change your mind, it's your decision. But, Mingyu was under a lot of pressure from management." He tells you, staring at you intently.
"Mwo?" You ask, meeting his eyes.
"I can't go into detail, but please believe me. Believe him. He's been under pressure from management and has been struggling, but with you gone it's like he's a completely different person." He explains.
You let out a small, bitter laugh. "Yeah, I know."
"What do you mean 'you know'?" He asks.
"That was the reason I left. He wasn't acting like the guy I fell in love with. It's like he just vanished and the guy I got in return was one who accused me of stupid things and yelled at me for no reason." You sigh, sounding more tired then mad.
"M-Mian, I didn't know that part." He whispers.
"It's not your fault, it's his." You reply.
"Please can you just talk to him? Even if you won't take him back, at least make it right." He says.
"I don't know if I can, Wonwoo. It took a long time to decide whether I should break up with him." You mumble.
"Jebal, just make it right." He pleads.
You bite your lip. "Fine, but only for five minutes."
*At The Dorm*
You manage to shove your way through 11 members that wanted to hug you with promises that you'll 'greet them later'.
You hesitantly knock on Mingyu's door.
"I told you that I want to be left alone!" Mingyu's voice yells, clearly angry.
"Mingyu, it's me." You reply.
Within two seconds, the door's open and you're pulled into Mingyu's warm embrace.
"(Y/n), Mian... Mianhae." He sobs, tightening his hold on you to the point it's almost painful.
You feel your resolve start to crumble now that you see him. You take a breath while pushing him away and stepping back.
"(Y/n)?" He asks, his already puffy, red eyes full of unasked questions.
"Mianhae, about storming out of there. That wasn't the proper way to break up." You swallow with some effort, trying to control tears that are welling up in your eyes. "So that's why I'm here, to break up with you properly." You finish.
"Aniyo..." He whispers, unable to believe that you're doing this. "Don't, jebal."
"Mingyu," you start. "I'm breaking up with you."
"A-aniyo." His voice cracks. "J-jebal. I'll be better, I promise."
You shake your head slowly. "You had your c-chance." You choke, forcing the words out.
"I have to go, goodbye Mingyu." You turn around and start to walk quickly back down the hallway.
"I'll quit." Those two words he states so certainly, stopping you in your tracks.
You exhale. "Saying that, is not going to make me stay."
"I'll do it. I'll quit SEVENTEEN." He says even more certainly. "I only care about you."
"Kim Mingyu." You whirl around and stalk back over to where he's standing. "Do not even joke about this." You stab your finger at his chest while glaring up at him.
"I'm not." He whispers, grabbing your hand and placing it over his heart.
"Don't say it." You warn. "Don't you dare say it."
"My heart only beats for you."
That stupid, cliche line hits you like a bullet. "Pabo."
He frowns. "It's true, it's always been true."
"It's true!" You hear all of the members chorus from down the hall.
You and Mingyu sigh.
"Don't you have something you could be doing? Instead of listening in on other people's private conversations?!" Mingyu shouts.
"Nope!" Chan replies happily.
Mingyu rolls his eyes and focuses his attention back to you. "Does your heart beat for me?"
"You know I hate cliche lines, Mingyu."
"You know what I mean... So, does it?" He flashes his signature smile.
You nod slightly.
Without any hesitation, he pulls you back into his arms. "I won't mess up this time, I promise."

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