Got7: I Can't Choose! (Part 2)

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(Y/f/m) = Your Favorite Movie
Unfortunately at the end of the night, Jackson didn't kiss you... Which you were pretty upset about.
You were currently curled up underneath your comforter wondering what you did wrong, then your phone starts to ring. You grab it. "Yeobosayo?" You ask into the phone.
"Hey, (Y/n)... I-I was w-wondering i-if you'd like to go o-on a date with m-me?" BamBam stutters over the phone.
You feel your cheeks start to heat up and smile, even though he can't see you. "That would be great." You reply.
He sighs in relief. "Okay, I'll pick you up in about half an hour?" He asks.
You glance at the clock. It's 10 in the morning. "Sure... Where are you taking me?" You ask.
"It's a surprise." You can hear the smile in his voice.
"Oppaaaa!" You whine.
He lets out a startled laugh. "I'm still not telling you. I'll see you in a little bit."
"Fine." You huff, pouting. "Wait!"
"Mwo?!" He exclaims, startled.
"Do I need to get out of my pajamas?" You ask.
He pauses then sighs. "Aniyo, I was just going to bring you to the dorm to watch a movie."
"Jinjja?! Yay!" You yell happily.
"Mwo? Are you that lazy?" He laughs.
"Ne!" You reply without any hesitation. "Okay! Bye!"
"Bye." He chuckles.
You flop back onto your bed, waiting for him to arrive.
*Once He Picks You Up and Brings You Back To The Dorm*
You walk into the living room to see an massive amount of candy and popcorn, along with different types of sodas. You gasp before letting out a squeal of delight, flailing your arms around. "Omo! This is amazing!" You scream, throwing your arms around BamBam and hugging him tightly.
He picks you up and carries you over to the couch before setting you down gently.
"I, um, didn't know what you liked... So I got them all." He explains shyly.
You feel your the blood rush to your cheeks and grin broadly. "Kamsahamnida." You tilt your head up and softly kiss his cheek. "No one's ever raided the candy store just to make sure they got my favorite candy for me."
He blushes and stammers. "You-you're welcome." He pauses then smiles. "Do you want to start the movie?"
"What are we watching?"
He gestures to a huge stack of DVDs behind the couch.
"How did I miss that?!" You gasp, giggling.
He bursts out laughing. "I'm not sure... Maybe because you were preoccupied with the pile of candy?"
You walk over and pick out your favorite movie. "This one." You hold it up like a prized trophy. "This one's my favorite."
He grins. "(Y/f/m)?"
You nod.
"I love that movie!.. I guess we're meant to be." He shyly adds.
You stare at him before agreeing. "I guess so."
*After The Movie*
"Agh!" You groan as you stretch your arms above your head.
He laughs and you shoot him a questioning look. "You sound like a dinosaur." He snickers.
You frown. "Well you look like one."
"Ya!" He exclaims and lunges for you. "Come here!"
"Aniyo!" You scream, launching yourself off of the couch and running around the tower of DVDs.
He manages to corner you and he backs you up into the wall, panting with an evil glint in his eyes.
"Mianhae! I didn't mean it! I swear!" You exclaim.
He chuckles, leaning closer as his evil smirk fades into something softer.
You hold you breath in anticipation and close your eyes, expecting to feel his soft lips on yours, instead you hear Yugyeom screech. "Aniyo! Aniyo! Aniyo!" Over and over again as he pushes in between you two.
"What the hell, maknae?!" BamBam growls, clenching his teeth as he shoots daggers at Yugyeom, clearly upset he interrupted you two.
"Aniyo!" Yugyeom defiantly shouts at him as he points his finger at BamBam, like he's scolding a dog.  
You can only stand there with a confused expression on your face at Yugyeom's behavior.
Yugyeom reaches behind his back  and grabs your hand, pulling you out the door and into his room.
"Yugyeom?! Why'd you do that! I finally decided who I was going to pick and you ruined it!" You shout, on the verge of tears as you jab your finger at his chest. You try to look as threating as possible but pajamas with smiling penguins, kind of ruin that act.
He bites his lip in a effort to keep back the tears.
"Wae?! Yugyeom, answer me!" You grab his shoulders and shake him forcefully.
"I-I didn't want him to kiss you." He whispers, staring at you with watering eyes.
And that's the end of this imagine! I will not be making a part 3!..
Jk, jk. I'll be making a part 3.

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