NU'EST- Ren- Overcome (Part Two)

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This imagine's dedicated to LuchiaHikaro. Thank you for requesting! ^^
A/n: Jonghyun is JR from Nu'est. Just to avoid any confusion.
(Y/n/n)- Your nickname
*His Pov*
I follow the trail of blood until night falls.
I reluctantly set up camp, desperately wanting to jump back onto my horse and ride until she's safely back with me. But nobody-including me- would dare travel past desk, it's far too dangerous trying to navigate the deadly forest with only a torch to show you the way.
Within minutes, I have a burning fire going; well aware that (Y/n) and her kidnapper can see the smoke above the tree line.
I reach into my pocket, retrieving one of my most prized possessions – a pocket watch. I smile slightly, remembering how I got it.
"You may stand, Knight Choi." Newly- appointed Queen (Y/l/n) smiles down at me.
I stand up, grinning widely at her.
"If you would please leave everyone." Queen (Y/l/n) addresses the rest of the people that came to witness the ceremony.
Everyone files out of the room, chattering excitedly while leaving me alone with the Queen.
"M–miss," I stutter. "Why are we alone?"
She laughs softly, "Minki, we've been best friends since we were five. We've been alone many times, why is this any different than then?"
"You're the Queen now (Y/n/n), everything's different."
"Not everything," she comments while trying to bite back a smile. "This–" She grabs a pocket-watch off of the seat of the throne. "-Is still the same. And it's yours now."
"Your father's watch," I breathe, my eyes widening in shock. "I–I cant accept this."
"Minki," she replies firmly, grabbing my hand and closing my fingers around the watch. "It's yours. You're now my personal guard, and this is my token to show my faith in you. I know you'll take care of me."
I lay down next to the fire, being cautious so I won't roll over onto the hot coals in my sleep.
I am lulled to sleep, listening to the sounds of the forest and the quiet crackling fire, clutching the watch to my chest.
*Your Pov*
"What does she want from me?" You demand forcefully, gathering your skirts around you so your kidnapper won't step on them as he collects firewood.
"What do you think?" He scoffs, pausing to glance at you before tossing his bundle of wood into a pile. "She wants to be Queen again."
"Why did she choose you to kidnap me?" You ask softly.
He bends down, starting a fire in a matter of minutes. "Because I'm the only one she trusts." He tosses his grey-ish hair out of his eyes to shoot you a glare. "Now stop asking questions."
You ignore his request and ask, "what's your name?"
"Jonghyun," he response curtly, sitting down and closing his eyes.
"Jonghyun? Why are you telling me all this?"
One of his eyes opens, focusing on you as he smirks. "Because you'll be dead about this time tomorrow."
Your eyes widen in shock and horror, causing him to chuckle.
"Well, what did you expect? A nice, happy reunion? You'll be lucky if she kills you quickly."
You slide down onto the hard dirt, facing away from Jonghyun. You wrap your arms around your stomach, clenching your eyes shut as you suppress tears.
Minki, please hurry.
*His Pov/ The Next Day*
I'm already packed by dawn, comfortably sliding onto my horse's back as he falls into a steady trot.
Soon, the trail of blood is gone as I walk into their camp. The fire's out, but I'm getting closer to their location. The steam from the -recently put out- fire tells me that they left 15 minutes ago, probably less.
Feeling more confident, I urge my horse into a gallop; following the newly-made tracks in the snow. I stop suddenly, just outside the camp.
This seems too easy.
"Minki!" (Y/n)'s voice cries out from behind me. "Look out!"
I whirl around, immediately diving to the ground.
An arrow is buried in the tree where I was standing a couple seconds ago.
The missed shot is followed by a string of cuss words.
I quickly unsheath my sword, sliding into a fighting stance while scanning the forest surrounding the camp. Unable to spot (Y/n)'s kidnapper, I shout, "if you want to kill me, have some dignity! Show your face!"
I hear a deep chuckle than a thud as the man jumps out of a tree from across the clearing. My grip on my sword loosens as he brushes his hair out of his face, flashing a familiar smirk.
"Minki!" He drawls, drawing his sword while spreading his arms out wide like he wants to hug me. "It's great to see you!"
"Jonghyun," I growl through gritted teeth. "Let her go and I won't kill you."
"Can't do that I'm afraid. Let's settle what we didn't finish in training." He lunges towards me, the sharp tip of his blade directed at my heart.
I spin to the right, blocking his strike with my blade. The metal connects with a clang and I shove him back.
He stumbles, trying to regain his balance.
"Mian," I exhale softly then swiftly lunge forward and thrust my sword into his heart.
His mouth opens in a silent gasp, just as he falls to the ground; his hands clawing at my sword as he tries to pry it out of his chest.
(Y/n) sprints out of the trees, dropping to her knees as she rips a piece of her dress off.
"(Y/n), stop." I say quietly, resting a hand on her arm while she tries to wrap the cloth around his wound.
"He's right," Jonghyun coughs, laying his shaking hand on (Y/n)'s. "I'll be dead soon."
*Your Pov*
"Queen (Y/l/n), if you do capture Queen Lee... Will–will you tell her that I love her?" Jonghyun's unfocused eyes meet yours, a stream of blood trickling out of his mouth.
You smile gently. "Of course."
His pained expression softens as he lets out one last breath.
You stare at Jonghyun's lifeless body for a couple minutes before Minki states gently, "(Y/n/n), let's get you home."
He helps you onto his horse, securing you with his arms. He grabs the reins with his chin resting on your shoulders so he can see.
"Kamsahamnida," you murmur, leaning her head against his sturdy chest.
He pecks your cheek quickly. "I'll always be here for you." He clears his throat awkwardly, keeping his eyes forward.
You shift in his arms and grab his chin, forcing him to look you directly in the eyes. You hesitantly kiss him on the lips, only pulling back to see if it's okay with him.
"Are you sure?" He pants, his hands tightly gripping your dress.
"Positive." You reply.
He chuckles, "this is going to be the longest trip of my life." He pecks your cheek once more, then urges his horse to trot faster in the direction of the castle.

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