VIXX Hyuk- Capture the Flag

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A/n: When I say "Football", I mean American Football, not Soccer.
(Y/l/n)- Your last name
"The blue team will be: (Y/n), Sanhyuk, and Wonshik." Hakyeon announces as he hands you and the rest of your team blue glow sticks.
You put yours on as he continues. "The red team will be: me, Taekwoon, Jaehwan, and Hongbin." He distributes the red glow sticks to his team members.
"(Y/n), can you help me with my glow stick?" Sanhyuk asks as he struggles to put the glow stick around his wrist.
"Don't hurt yourself." You giggle as you gently snap it so it rests comfortably around his wrist.
"Gomwao." He smiles. "We should stick together, okay?" He asks, sliding his hand into yours.
"Okay, I know you'll get scared. You obviously need someone to protect you." You tease, bumping your shoulder with his.
"Yah!" He whines, frowning. "I can protect myself... And you." He adds quickly before looking away.
You roll your eyes before meeting Jaehwan's gaze from the opposing team.
He makes a point of looking at your intertwined hands and raises his eyebrows.
You shake your head while mouthing. "He wants to stick together."
"So he can 'protect you'." He mouths back, using his hands as quotation marks around "protect you."
You shrug.
"Okay, just a refresher on how to play.  In order to win the game, the opposite team has to capture your team's flag. The woods have been divided into two sections and are your territory is marked by your team color's. There are also markers to show where your jail is. You can go their jail if you get tagged by an opposing team member if you're in their territory. But you can escape if one of your team members touches you. Okay? Everybody's got that?" He doesn't wait for a reply. "Let's get started." Hakyeon claps his hands together and walks out the door into the woods behind the house.
"What about the flags?" Hongbin asks.
"I got somebody to hide them, so nobody knows where they are." Hakyeon informs us.
"Ready?" Sanhyuk asks, just before Hakyeon yells. "Start!"
Sanhyuk drags you across your team's boundary, just as Hongbin lunges to grab you.
"Told you I can protect you." Sanhyuk pants, lying on the ground next to you.
"Whatever." You mutter as you stand up and brush the dirt off of your jeans.
"Let's go find Red's flag." You grab Sanhyuk's hand and pull him to his feet.
You start to cross the boundary then Sanhyuk pushes in front of you. "I'll lead." He grabs your hand tightly and hesitantly starts to walk into Red's territory.
*15 Minutes Later*
"You have no clue where you're going, do you." You complain.
He's silent for a few seconds. "I think I've seen that tree three times now."
"Wonderful." You mutter.
"Yah!" He exclaims, letting go of your hand and turning to face you. "It could be worse." He says.
"Yeah, and now that you said that, one of us is going to get captured or it's going to start raining." You sigh.
"You're optimistic." He chuckles. "And I meant that it could be worse if we were on our own, at least we're together."
"You're right." You admit.
He smiles and turns his back, shielding you from the figure in the trees. "Go with the plan." He whispers and you nod slightly.
You've known Jaehwan has been following the two of you for a while and won't leave you alone until he captures at least one of you. You're far from Blue's territory, but you're not going down without a fight, or a least a little acting.
Sanhyuk moves a little bit forward, continuing on.
Jaehwan rushes out of the trees, running at full speed. "Gotcha!" Jaehwan yells, tackling you into the dirt.
"Ow!" You shout. "This is Capture the Flag! Not Football!"
"You're my prisoner now." He drags you to your feet and grins smugly.
"Ani! That's not fair!" Sanhyuk whines. "Take me instead!"
"Nope." Jaehwan states firmly. "She's my prisoner. Gaja." He grabs your hand and starts to lead you back to their jail and Sanhyuk mopes sullenly.
"I'll get you back! I swear!" Sanhyuk yells dramatically as Jaehwan pulls you around a tree, blocking to two of you from Sanhyuk's view.
"What a child." Jaehwan sighs, shaking his head.
"Be nice." You scold him. "We're really close, don't talk bad in front of me." You use your hair as a curtain so  he can't look at your face.
"How close is really close?" He asks, earning a smile from you, just the question you wanted him to ask.
"Really close." You reply vaguely.
He huffs which makes your eyes widen in "surprise."
"Not like that!" You exclaim, shaking your head frantically. "I-I like someone else, not Sanhyuk."
He pauses. "Who?"
You sigh. "Follow me, and I'll tell you."
"Fine." He agrees right away, which surprises you.
You start to walk towards your territory while calling over your shoulder. "Are you coming or not?!"
Hesitant footsteps follow after you and you smile.
*10 Minutes Later*
"Where are we?" Jaehwan asks.
"The woods." You reply, ducking under a branch.
You reach a clearing, right where you wanted to be. "See Jaehwan, the reason I brought you here was to tell you something." You turn around and take a step forward, gently brushing a leaf off of Jaehwan's shoulder.
His breath catches in his throat and his eyes widen. "What-what is it?" He forces the words out with some effort.
"I. Wanted. To. Tell. You." You whisper, grabbing his shirt and taking a big step back with each word. "That. You're. My. Prisoner." You grin evilly as Jaewan realizes that he's crossed into Blue's territory.
"I told you it would work!" Sanhyuk laughs, coming out from behind a tree.
You laugh too and hug Sanhyuk while smirking at Jaehwan.
"Those were some great acting skills (Y/l/n)." Sanhyuk compliments.
"I know." You smile. "Gotcha." You direct the comment at Jaehwan.
Jaehwan sighs. "I've been beaten by two kids."
"(Y/n), can I talk to you for a second?" Sanhyuk whispers in your ear.
"Give us just a second, prisoner!" You call over you shoulder as Hyuk pulls you behind a thick set of trees.
"(Y/n)," he begins, looking extremely nervous. "The reason I wanted to talk to you was about, back there, when you said that you didn't like me, it-it hurt me." He sighs.
"Mian, I was just acting Sanhyuk." You reply quietly. "You should know that."
"I-I do! But, it's just, that when you said that, I felt like I was being punched. And I... I realized that I wished I was the one you liked." He exhales slowly, trying not to look you in the eyes, and failing.
You smile softly. "Jinjja?"
"I wouldn't be telling you this to you if it wasn't true." He replies, hesitantly reaching out and grabbing your hand.
You squeeze his hand gently. "I like you too."
His eyes light up and he wraps his arms around you as he picks you up and spins around.
"Sanhyuk!" You laugh. "Put me down!" You lightly hit his chest and he stares into your eyes, his smile happy and bright.
He gently kisses your nose as he sets you down. "Gaja." He grabs your hand and leads you back to the clearing, smiling sweetly.
"Where'd he go?" Sanhyuk lets go of your hand and spins in a circle, looking for Jaehwan who has disappeared.
Sanhyuk sighs heavily but smiles at you. "It could be worse, one of us could have gotten captured."
As soon as the last word is out of his mouth, Jaehwan tackles Sanhyuk then smirks. "Revenge is sweet."

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