Astro: Rocky- Till Death Do Us Part

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This imagine is dedicated to @_Aivi_. Thank you for requesting! ^^
(Y/c)- Your city
You and Minhyuk were newlyweds. After an amazing honeymoon you came back to (Y/c), where Minhyuk had secretly purchased a house for the two of you as a surprise.
*Three Months Later*
Your relationship has been going strong for three months, just before hitting a rough patch.
A week ago, Minhyuk came home around 5-like he usually does- and changes out of his practice clothes and into casual ones. He would tell you that he would be home around 7:30 for dinner and then leave.
This would be normal for him, considering that he's now an official idol and is constantly practicing, but instead of coming home around 7:30, he would come back home around three in the morning, bleary eyed and smelling strongly of alcohol.
Finally after the fifth night of this happening, you decided to wait up for him.
He stumbles into the house, leaning heavily on the doorframe as he tries to wrestle the keys out of the lock.
"Good morning." You state with you hands on your hips.
"Aivi." He gasps, dropping the keys as he immediately realizes that he's in big trouble.
"Wow," you scoff. "I'm surprised you even recognized me with all the alcohol you've drank."
"Aivi." He starts as he takes a step forward, his arms outstretched in a pleading manner. "I can explain."
"You do that." You snap.
"I was out drinking with some friends." He murmurs, and you can tell he knows that it's a lame excuse.
"Until three in the morning?" You ask sharply, pointing at the clock. "What happened to 7:30? It's been like this for a week."
He winces as if you slapped him. "Aivi, I know. Mian."
"Tell me what's going on." You demand.
He looks at the floor and shakes his head.
You feel your heart crumble into a million pieces. "We're married now, Min. I'll always be here for you, I promised that. But I can't help you if you won't tell me what's wrong." You point out softly.
He shakes his head again and tries to push past you. "I'm fine." He mumbles, walking into your shared bedroom and shutting the door.
You feel tears start to well up in your eyes. It's been three months and he's already keeping secrets from you. Has your marriage been doomed from the start?
*A Month Later*
"Sign this." You command without emotion, or without emotion as much as you can manage. You can cry later when Minhyuk isn't with you.
"Mwo?" He glances from his rap music sheet over to the papers you pushed in front of him.
"Everything's filled out, I just need a signature." You state, keeping you face as normal as possible.
"Divorce papers?!" He exclaims as he abruptly stands up.
"I just need a signature." You repeat.
"Ani!" He shouts furiously, shoving the papers back at you.
You flinch before bending down and picking up the fallen papers. "Sign it." You place the papers back on the table and grab a nearby pen.
"I said no!" He slaps the pen out of your grasp before slowly sinking back into the chair.
He buries his face in his hands and takes a breath before continuing. "Can-can I at least know what I did?" He asks dully.
"You mean you want a reason? How about being a horrible husband?" You accuse. "I don't expect you to spend every waking moment with me! But I at least expect you to sit down at the table and eat dinner with me!" You explode, finally showing how angry and upset you are.
"Aivi..." He whispers.
"Jebal!" You cry, the tears streaming down your cheeks at this point. "Just tell me what's going on!"
"I'm just tired." He exhales. "I feel so stressed, and when I drink I can forget all the responsibilities I have."
You sniffle and wipe your eyes. "That's why I here, you have to tell me these things. I don't care how long it takes, just tell me." You say softly.
He stands up and wraps you in a hug. "Jebal, I'm trying to manage my stress, but it's hard. If you leave me, I'm not sure if I can go on." He murmurs against your forehead. "Jebal, stay with me."
You sniffle again and look up at him while smiling for the first time in five weeks. "Till death do us part."
"Till death do us part." He echoes then leans down and kisses you.

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