BTS: Jin- Christmas Wish

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This imagine is dedicated to Seokjin's birthday!!! ^^
"My Christmas wish?" You ask into the phone, repeating what your best friend just asked you. "Well I wouldn't like to be alone, I would like to be with somebody." You reluctantly admit.
"Aish!" You jerk away from the phone as (Y/b/f) starts shrieking into the phone. "I knew it!"
You stumble back into a person and he steadies you. "Woah, are you okay?" He asks, holding your elbow so you don't tip over.
Your eyes widen and you nod, your lips slightly apart from surprise.
He smiles softly, "be careful next time." He scolds gently, his cheeks that were already red from the cold, getting brighter by the second.
"I-" you clear your throat quietly. "I-I will, gomawo...?"
"Seokjin." He quickly fills in with a chuckle.
"(Y/n)." You grin.
"Yeoboseyo? (Y/n)?" You hear (Y/b/f) shout on the other line, momentarily forgotten.
"I should go... Gomawo!" You call over your shoulder as you start to shove your way through the crowd.
"Wait! (Y/n)!" You hear him yell, trying to get to you as a group of people form a wall in between you two.
You turn around and look for Seokjin but he's seemed to have disappeared in the crowd.
You sigh in disappointment before putting the phone back up to your ear. "Ne, (Y/b/f). I'll be there soon." You promise into the phone.
*5 Minutes Later*
You hear the familiar jingle of the bell as you open the café door and stamp the snow off of your boots.
"(Y/n)!" (Y/b/f) calls, motioning you over to a booth in the far corner of the café.
You smile and walk over, sitting down once you reach the booth.
"Do you have anybody in mind?" She asks, immediately getting to the point.
"Mwo?" You reply, confused as you slip your coat off.
"Anybody you'd like to spend Christmas with." She elaborates before taking a sip of her drink.
"Nobody in particular." You state softly, even though Seokjin's smiling face refuses to leave your mind.
"I have a friend that I could int-" She starts eagerly just as somebody sets a drink in front of you before sliding into the booth with you.
"Mian, she's taken." Seokjin winks slyly at you as he casually rests his arm around your shoulder and pulls you into his side.
"Seokjin?" You mumble into his shoulder, now extremely confused.
He lowers his voice so only you can hear him, "I heard your Christmas wish, I decided to play Santa." He chuckles before kissing you lightly on the forehead.
"My silly jagiya, alway forgetting about our relationship." He announces to (Y/b/f).
She starts open-mouthed as her gaze goes from you to him. "Who-who are you?" She finally sputters after recovering from her shock.
"Seokjin, her boyfriend." He replies easily, glancing sideways at you and smiling.
"(Y/n)." (Y/b/f) focuses her death glare on you and you grin sheepishly.
"Mian." You whisper.
"I expect to hear every detail about your relationship. Where you met, your first kiss, everything." She demands.
You quickly look at Seokjin and he chuckles softly because of your panicked expression. He leans down and whispers in your ear. "Don't worry, I thought of a back story on the way here."
"You followed me?!" You angrily whisper back.
"No, just think of it as us both traveling in the same direction, heading to the place with one of us a little farther back." He murmurs.
"Seokjin!" You hiss.
"Merry Christmas." He replies. "We met while (Y/n) was looking for a Halloween costume-"
"You've been dating since Halloween?!" (Y/b/f) shrieks.
"M-mian?" You offer weakly.

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