NU'EST: Ren- Perfect

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This imagine's dedicated to @KurumeHongo. Thank you for requesting! ^^
My next imagine's the second part to Important News, and I'm planning on the main character dating an idol.
Does anybody have any suggestions, I don't want to be biased. (No pun intended).
You gently shut the front door and lean against it as you sigh heavily. Your boyfriend of a year; Yoongi and you have just broken up. It was an agreement, both of you confessed that you didn't really have feelings for each other anymore, so why does your heart ache so much?
You quietly sniffle and swipe the back of your hand across your eyes. You knew exactly who could make you feel better, one of the closest friends you've ever had; Minki. That's why you immediately pull your phone out and dial his number.
Once you hear his calm voice, the heartache eases slightly. You sink down to the floor then rest your head against it. "Minki? Yoongi and I broke up. Can you come over?"
"Give me ten minutes," he instantly responds, followed by a click when he ends the call.
You allow the arm that was holding the phone, to fall to the floor while letting out another soft sigh.
*10 Minutes Later*
You've moved from the hallway to the kitchen and are sitting on the counter when you hear a lock turn; signaling that Minki's let himself in.
Before you could hop off the counter to greet him, Minki appears in front of you and wraps you in a hug.
His familiar cologne immediately soothes you, and the tears you've managed to suppress begin to run down your face. Minki softly shushes you. "Don't cry, InHa. He's not worth it."
Instead of responding, you fist the front of his shirt in your hands.
After a while, your grip on Minki has loosened enough for him to pull away.
He takes one look at your face and walks to the freezer without being prompted. He pulls a tub of ice cream out and grabs two spoons.
You can't help but giggle slightly. "Ice cream?"
He doesn't seem fazed by your laugh, if anything, he's thrilled you're not extremely upset. "I saw it in a movie." He jumps onto the counter next to you and firmly places a spoon in your limp hand.
He pries the lid off of the container and takes a bite, staring at you curiously. "Wanna talk about it?" He asks; his tone neutral, not forcing you to speak.
"No." You shift the spoon until you get a glimpse of your saddened expression in the reflection.
"Stop it." Minki grabs the spoon and sets it in the sink. "Why're you acting like this? You told me that you didn't love him like you used to."
You look away from his suddenly intense expression and reply, "I honestly thought he was perfect for me... Until, well, until he wasn't."
You hear a thud as Minki sets the container of ice cream down.
You're abruptly pulled into Minki's arms for a second time. You look up at him in surprise and he smiles gently.
"InHa? Haven't you heard that if you stop looking for a perfect person, that person will come to you?"
You relax into his embrace and mutter, "I faintly recall something like that."
There's a second of silence, then Minki's warm breath hits the back of your ear as he whispers, "what if I told you that your perfect person is holding you right now?"
Your eyes widen by a fraction and you immediately tense up. Your heart starts to thump wildly in your chest and you hold in a laugh. "I'd ask why he hasn't kissed me yet."
Right after your words, your chin's tilted up and you lock gazes with him.
"Because he was waiting for the right moment," Minki murmurs.
He kisses you hesitantly, and you can't help but smile, knowing that you're finally with your perfect man.

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