Infinite: L/ Got7: BamBam- My Promise (Part Two)

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This imagine's dedicated to @markjaeyeom_s. Thank you for requesting! ^^
Later in the week, you found out that all of your classes either had Myungsoo or BamBam in them.
BamBam took this as an opportunity to flirt with you, while Myungsoo quietly worked with you in science, math, and English.
"Students!" The professor of your English class, shouts to get your attention. "We will be doing a writing activity with your partner. You will write a paragraph about what you think of them.
Next, you will write about yourself; how you see yourself.
Lastly, you'll write about how your partner sees you. Got it? Begin."
You turn towards your left and make eye contact with Myungsoo.
"Let's get started." He starts to scribble in his notebook.
You finish the three steps quickly, about the same time Myungsoo does.
"Can I read it?" He asks curiously, reaching for your notebook.
You hold it just out of his grasp. "Only if I can read yours."You grin.
Panic flashes across his face and he clutches his notebook to his chest.
"Once you're done writing, share what you've written!" The professor adds before going back to grading papers.
Myungsoo reluctantly hands over his notebook, switching with you.
You set his notebook on the desk before beginning to read.
1)Jaein is incredibly sweet, but isn't afraid to stand up for what she believes in. (I've seen it firsthand.) She is one of the prettiest, most genuine girls, I've ever had the pleasure to meet. She is funny, sarcastic, and everything a guy looks for in a girl.
You glance up at him in shock, but he has his face hidden by the back of your notebook. You know he wasn't going to look at you anytime soon, so you continue to read.
2) I'm seen as the bad boy, somebody that needs to be avoided.
When I first came here; I wasn't like that, in fact I was the opposite. I was nerdy and shy until I met BamBam.
He was so cool and constantly had girls' attention.
I caught his eye and he told me that I could be like him if I change my image; with his help. I eagerly accepted the offer; wanting to be popular and loved, like him.
Five months past, and my true self was gone, along with the small group of friends I'd managed to gather.
Instead of being popular like I thought I would be, I became feared.
It all started out with my desperate need to be liked, and an offer, that at the time, I couldn't refuse.
I wish I could go back and say no but that time in my life is gone. The choice I made steered me down this lonely path.
I see myself as my old, shy self, but nobody wants get close enough to see the real me.
You were choking back tears once you've finished the second paragraph.
Myungsoo was still hiding behind your notebook and before you realize what you're doing, you gently rest your hand on his arm.
His eyes flicker to your hand, then your eyes before going back to your writing.
You turn your attention to the last paragraph.
3) Jaein probably sees me like everybody else does; BamBam's puppy who will follow him anywhere, a loner who she shouldn't talk to.
Even so, I wish she'd actually see me, I hope she will. She doesn't seem like the type to judge based solely on appearances.
"Times up!" The professor calls, "class is almost over."
You glance at Myungsoo, who actually doesn't have your notebook glued to his face. "Myungsoo?" You ask, "would you like to have coffee with me? I'm not working there today, but I bet I can score some free coffee."
"J-jinjja?" He gasps, looking honestly surprised.
"Of course." You smile while giggling softly.
He grins happily, grabbing your hand. "Gaja."
You study him as you walk out the door.
He does look like the bad boy part, but he definitely doesn't act like he is now.

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