Characters Account🦋

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Hey thier cupcakes,

First of all very happy diwali to everyone.

As you all have seen my instagram story and if anyone have not then let me tell you one's again..

My friends suggested me to make Accounts of my Characters as they have seen of other stories.

I thought a lot about this but didn't reached to any rational desicion, so i put down a poll thier for making it  or not.

And for the response it was pretty good, most of you have reacted yes so i am thinking to make Accounts.

So if any one of you want to then dm me on instagram.


After that poll also i am not so sure, so if i got good response, like if their will be 3-5 peoples who want to make a Account of Characters then only i will make.

So again i am telling if you want to participate then dm me on instagram.

Here's my ID:- authorkia20.

I will wait for response..


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