Chapter 1 - Introduction

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Chapter Song Rec: Moonlight by Kali Uchis


The streetlights flickered suddenly, flashes of bright white flooding your sights time and time again as you quietly walked down the street, hood over your head and hand shoved deep into the warm pockets of your black, oversized jacket. The chilling wind sent shivers down your spine, the many layers you had on doing almost nothing to protect you from the crisp draft slamming against you as you walked, quickly but quietly.

You'd been at a friend's house, working on the science project that Ms. Anderson had assigned three classes ago. It had taken the two of you multiple hours, but you'd finally gotten close to finishing the model, and had decided to give it a break. It was the weekend after all, you could always work on it tomorrow.

She'd offered to give you a ride home, but being the overly polite girl you were, you'd gently turned it down and decided to walk home yourself. A huge mistake.

You flinched as a car sped past you, zooming through a puddle and sending a spray of dirty water right in front of you. Luckily, you hadn't gotten wet. You shuddered at the thought of being drenched in this cold. It sounded terrible.

How much farther?

You checked google maps to see how much farther you'd have to walk and a groan escaped your lips. 15 more minutes. You didn't know if you'd be able to survive another quarter-hour in this freezing cold.

"There's gotta be some other route..." You said under your breath, pinching the screen and zooming in on the area surrounding you, searching for a faster way to get home. The moonlight shined down upon you as you stood there on the middle of the sidewalk for a moment, lips pursed while your eyes scanned your screen, flitting over the different streets. Your gaze eventually landed on a series of tiny alleyways that looked like they might be able to lead you home.

You screenshotted the page, then used the edit tool to draw your path out on the screen. "This should work" you whispered to yourself, keeping the phone in your hand as you walked toward the first of the three alleys you'd have to make your way through.

As you entered the alleyway, it felt as if the entire world had quieted down. The sounds of the street felt muffled as your senses honed in on your surroundings, being as careful as possible. After all, this was Brooklyn. It wasn't safe for a girl of your age to be wandering the streets alone, especially at this time of the day.

Your lips pursed into a line, your fingers subconsciously fidgeting as you quietly made your way down the alley. You were nearing the end when a sudden noise caught your attention.


You jumped at the noise and turned around, holding your phone out in front of you like a weapon, ready to smack whoever was there.

You looked down to see a nasty-looking rat staring up at you, beady black eyes hard as it nibbled on some random piece of trash. You let out a breath you didn't even realize you'd been holding and chuckled to yourself quietly. "Just a rat...just a rat."

To settle yourself down, you began to quietly hum to yourself, the lyrics of your favorite song playing in your mind as you made your way down the street. And now to the second alleyway.

This one was a bit wider, definitely not as creepy as the first one. It was brighter too, some streetlights on in the corners to light your path. You were feeling a little more sure of yourself now, posture a little straighter as you walked. You were still cautious of course, but you weren't as nervous. You looked back down at your phone to make sure you were taking the right path.

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