Chapter 7 - I can't stop thinking about her

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Chapter Song Rec: Company by Justin Bieber


Miles' POV (how tf do you say Miles's is it Miles' or Miles's??)



Miles slowly walked out of his chemistry class, looking down at his phone while he followed the crowd towards his locker, ready to put his textbook away before he went to lunch and sat with you, Maria and Ravi, who were apparently his new friends at this strange school.

Last night had been...interesting for him.

He hadn't been expecting you to agree to let him join you and he definitely hadn't been expecting to see you break down like that. He didn't know anything about you, other than the few things Roxanne had told him. 

It all seemed to make sense now. Why you were so cut off, why he'd always hear people whispering about you in the halls. The same had happened to him after his dad's death. He'd cut himself off from his friends and grown aggressive, refusing to even hear his dad's name. 

He never spoke about what happened. Not with Uncle Aaron. Not even with his mom. Pushing it down, in his eyes, was the best way for him to cope and it was the only way that he knew. Either way, he knew what happened to your brother was horrible and he completely understood your intentions for your research into his case and the so-called V.E.N.O.M. project. 

Although he didn't really understand his own.

Why was he so interested in helping you? He didn't know. In fact, he hated himself for it.

He was a goddamn why did he want to protect you and your interests? Why did he want to help you so badly? 

He blamed it on his own experiences with Oscorp and the Sinister Six, telling himself that he wanted to help you because you reminded him of himself. But deep down, he knew that wasn't the only reason, even if he refused to admit it.

Miles opened the locker half-heartedly, still looking down at his phone, when he noticed a small brown bag in the back. He examined it with a frown. He didn't remember leaving that there...?

He gently picked it up and peered inside, the smell of chicken flooding his senses. A sandwich? Inside the bag was what looked like a hot lunch, with a small chicken sandwich wrapped neatly in tinfoil, a ziplock bag with chips, and a green apple. He turned the bag over while examining it and noticed, that on the back was a small note written in flourished handwriting. 

|   So you don't go hungry <3

"What?" He muttered under his breath, looking back inside confusedly. "Who-"

His eyes lit up at the realization. Who else could it have been?


Of course! He recalled how you'd asked him yesterday if he'd had a lunch, seeming a little put-off when he'd responded with a no. You must've dropped off a lunch for him 'cuz you felt bad or something. He thought to himself, a slight smile spreading across his face. You cared.

He knew he was probably being delusional. He knew it didn't mean that much. But after your conversation last night and yesterday's whole friendship arc, he couldn't help but feel smitten. Maybe he was finally cracking the exterior everyone else said was the real you. He tried, but failed, to wipe the grin off his face before taking the bagged lunch with him to go find you. 


Your POV


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