Chapter 9 - The Figure in the Shadows

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Chapter Song Rec: Popular by the Weekend ft. Playboi Carti and Madonna

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"What the hell do I wear??"

You muttered under your breath as you rummaged through your closet, pawing at the tens of hoodies, t-shirts, and jeans that fell out. What did people wear to go rob a hospital??

You'd need something that would cover your skin and probably your hair too. Maybe a hoodie and jeans? But you needed to look intimidating, not homeless. The Prowler wore cargos, Nikes and a cropped jacket...if you showed up in a hoodie and jeans he'd probably laugh at you.

No, actually he wouldn't. You were just working yourself up over nothing. But knowing that didn't make you any less frustrated as you simply pulled on a dark purple hoodie and some black jeans. You wore a black leather jacket over the hoodie and pulled the hood on to conceal your hair. 

Earlier, after you'd come back home from your date at the mall with Maria, Ravi and Miles, you'd fixed up some temporary armor, made out of scrap metal that would protect only your shoulders and upper arms. Either way, it was better than nothing. You pulled that on too and once you were done, you looked fairly good.

With the mask you'd made on, you actually did look like a vigilante of some sort. Definitely not as cool as the Prowler, but with some design changes you might get pretty close eventually. 

It was only a few minutes til 9pm, and you were waiting impatiently, pacing through the room with your sword in hand. You'd double and triple-checked the lock on your door to make sure no one would come in while you were gone and find you missing.

Although, it wasn't like your parents would bother to check anyways.

Ever since what happened to your brother...they didn't care. In fact, you didn't think you'd even spoken to either of them in a couple days. They came home from work late and you were already either asleep or hard at work by then. You made and ate dinner by yourself, and left for school in the morning by yourself.

Your family...was broken. It wasn't your fault, and it wasn't theirs.

No, it was Osborne's fault. For employing your brother, for employing him in this stupid V.E.N.O.M. project he'd been talking about and for not giving him the protection he needed when whatever that symbiote was, attacked. And it was his fault for lying, lying to the media, lying to your family, lying to you.

You'd get your revenge eventually. You had to. That's why you wanted to become the Prowler's partner in the first place, so you could get some experience under your belt and eventually break into Oscorp's facility on your own and find out what had really happened behind the scenes.

And kill that symbiote thing while you were at it.

While you waited for the Prowler to show up you pulled up the experiment video files on your computer. You'd been watching them the past week and were more than 70 videos in, but nothing real had happened so far. The symbiote wouldn't react with anything or anyone, just moving slightly whenever something came close to it.

How did this tiny little blob turn into the monster that killed your brother?

Your brother and the other scientists in the videos seemed to be getting tired of the experiments too, their voices and expressions turning more and more bored with every file. That was...until Day 76. That was the day you pulled up on your computer today, leaning back and expecting nothing more than a two minute video where the symbiote did absolutely nothing, just like all the rest.

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