Chapter 3 - Unexpected

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Chapter Song Rec: Already Best Friends by Jack Harlow and Chris Brown


Your POV


"I said, leave me alone" your voice reverberated across the hallway as you found yourself yelling at him for the second time that morning. Flash Thompson. A misogynistic, blonde-haired dick head who couldn't take "no" for an answer. Captain of the football team, although in this day and age no one really cared, and the biggest jerk you'd ever met.

Oh yeah. And he was Roxanne's boyfriend. The fact that he was constantly trying stuff with you was probably one of the many reasons she hated you so much. After all, she had been spreading rumors about you to the new kid. What kind of person even does that? The poor guy had just started at the school and he already had Roxanne breathing down his neck. You couldn't help but feel a little bad for him.

From what you'd heard, he'd transferred here from a school named Visions Academy, a prestigious private school that only the top students in New York attended. Your brother had gone there, but you'd refused. You didn't want to go to some snobby rich kids school. Besides-you already knew that if you attended, you'd have to be reminded of your brother again anyway. You couldn't handle that.

As you shoved past Flash and his outstretched arms, you caught a glimpse of the new kid looking at you before he walked away with Roxanne. You couldn't help but wonder to yourself, Why did he look so familiar? Those braids...that voice...?

You shook the thought out of your mind and continued to your history class, right down the corner. Roxanne must've made you seem like a weirdo to him. She always did.

It's not like you were a freak though. You were fairly popular and you'd gone to elementary and middle school with most of these kids. You were well-known, were part of a pretty large friend group, played sports and joined clubs. And you had a best friend.

"Hey, I've been waiting for you! Where've you been, dork?" Maria, a dark-haired girl with big brown eyes pulled your arm and sat you down in the seat next to her. The two of you'd been best friends since the fourth grade, and even lived in the same apartment complex.

"Shut up" you said with an eye roll, playfully punching her arm in response. She defensively put her hands in front of her and giggled. "Someone's in a bad mood...did Ms. Arden yell at you again today?"

You let out a groan at the memory, dramatically slamming your forehead on the desk, causing a couple of people to turn around and look at you with concerned expressions. Sheepishly, you ignored them before whispering to Maria, "remember that new kid you were telling me about? He's in my class."

She raised an eyebrow in response, obviously a little excited. "Is he hot?"

"Maria!" You exclaimed, an amused grin appearing on your face. "Is that all that matters to you?" She shrugged in response, pulling out her notebook. "So? Was he?"

You shook your head at her, trying to hide a smile. Her eyes widened and she pointed at you. "Ah hah! He was hot!"

"No-" before you could defend yourself, you were cut off by your teacher beginning his lecture, glaring at the two of you while he spoke. "The Cold War was a series of conflicts between the US and the Soviet Union that didn't involve the use of military services..."


Miles POV


The rest of the day went by fairly quickly for Miles. He only had that one other class with Roxanne, luckily, and all his teachers were pretty nice. He'd even met one of his childhood classmates, a boy named Tyler who he'd gone to to middle school with, who sported green eyes and black dreads. They shared the same Science class with an elderly teacher named Mr. Warren, who could barely see, much less teach. All he did was assign them a lab report to read and then he fell asleep at his desk, leaving Miles to catch up with his new friend.

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