Chapter 4 - Revenge

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Chapter Song Rec:

Beginning of chapter - Blueberry Faygo by Lil Mosey

End of chapter - Killer by Eminem


"Y/N! Wake up!" 

You groggily looked up from your position to see Ms. Arden staring down at you with an angry look on her face. "I wasn't sleeping" you said, stretching your arms out in front of you and glaring at her with dead eyes.

"Really? Answer the question on the board" the teacher rested her hands on her hips and stared at you

You glanced over at the board, eyes scanning the equations, your mind quickly working to solve the problem. "The domain is from x = -1 to x = 14 with a hole at (4,3)" you said, shooting Ms. Arden a smug grin and resting your head back on the table. She looked a bit taken aback and grumbled a "that's correct" under her breath before returning to her position near the white-board in the front of the room.

Before you placed your head back in between you arms, ready to doze off once again, you noticed the new kid was looking at you again, a confused look on his face. Of course he wouldn't have expected you to get the answer right. Roxanne probably told him you were a dumbass

What was his name again? Maria said it was...Milo? Milan? Mil-

"Miles. Answer this next question." Ms. Arden called out. Right. It was Miles. You watched out of the corner of your eye as he stared at the board for a moment before coolly answering "the derivative is 18 x squared plus 9" The teacher annoyedly look back at the white-board. She really was just out to get people.

You could hear Miles and Roxanne talking too. You strained your ears to be able to hear them a little better. I swear to god if she's talking about me again-

"Wow, you're like really good at math" she said with a giggle, resting her face in her palm as she looked up at the Miles kid.


"You must've learned a lot when you were at that fancy private school" She said sweetly, eyes darting in between his. She was trying really hard


"Are you like one of those math geniuses?" She asked, her big blue eyes batting as she leaned a little closer.

He shrugged in response, looking down at his fingernails with a disinterested look on his face. He was dry as hell

You couldn't bear to hear their second-grade level flirting anymore. Luckily, Ms. Arden had decided to assign the lot of you another page full of questions to answer. This time, you'd try not to fall asleep.

"Hey, wanna work together again?" Roxanne asked Miles quickly, tapping the top of her notebook. Her eyes glanced towards you for a moment before looking back at him. For a moment you thought you'd answer for him just to piss her off a little, but he'd already beaten you to it. "Don't you have a partner?" He asked with a slight grin, gesturing towards the sleeping boy next to her.


"Hey. Its Miles, right?" You interrupted, looking into the eyes of the boy with the braids. Roxanne looked furious at how you'd butt into their conversation, but she couldn't really say anything in response.


Dry. "You wanna work together? We're partners..."

"As long as you don't fall asleep this time."

You scoffed "For your information, I wasn't sleeping last class." You replied as he pushed his desk a little closer to yours so you could pore over the same textbook together. "I was resting my eyes."

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