Chapter 16 - Home

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Chapter Song Rec: Him & I by G-Eazy & Halsey


The two of you sat on the edge of the rooftop, legs dangling in the breeze while staring out at the city around you. It'd taken him a while to get you to stop crying, but the Prowler had eventually accomplished this seemingly impossible task and had sat you down, hoping it would calm you.

Although it seemed to be doing the exact opposite.

He turned his gaze from the night sky to look over into your lap, where you were picking at your fingers roughly, an ice cold glare on your face as you stared directly at the billboard ahead, an ad for some soda with a smiling woman on it.

His hand went to yours.

"Don't do that."

You looked up, snapped out of your trance before turning your head towards him. "What-?" you looked down at your fingers, watching as one of your nails began to bleed just slightly from how you were picking at it. "Oh."

He sighed softly, slowly taking his hand off of yours, setting it back on the cold concrete of the rooftop floor.

Neither of you really knew what to say. It'd been a blur of events. Luckily, neither of you were least physically. Mentally, you weren't doing that great.

Seeing your dead brother appear in front of you in the middle of some abandoned apartment building wasn't doing the best to boost your morale.

All it did was make you feel worse.

The whole reason you'd even started this was to get justice for him. Vengeance. But you'd gotten so distracted with the Prowler, with your'd forgotten why you were there in the first place.

You felt like an idiot.

Suddenly, you stood up, picking up your mask from the floor next to you. "Let's go."

He looked bewildered as he stared up at you, the eyes of his mask wide. "Huh?"

"You heard me. Let's go."

"Where are you going?" he asked, pulling one knee up. He wasn't going anywhere.


"What's at home?"

"Another way to find this Mysterio asshole" You muttered under your breath, turning towards the exit.

You felt a hand grab onto yours and pull you back down. "Don't be a dumbass."

You glared back at him, shoving his hand off. His gaze softened. "You're gonna get yourself hurt if you run off all mad like this. Sit here. Just for a minute. Calm yourself down."

"Calm myself down?" You scoffed in response, shaking your head as you sat back, throwing your legs over the edge again, fuming. "What's the point?"

"To make sure you don't go get yourself killed." he said quietly, looking back out into the distance. "I know seeing him like that scared you, alright? wasn't him. You're not gonna get him back, no matter how fast you go through everyone, okay? So just relax for a second. Let's figure this out, right here, right now. No point in going home if you don't know what to do next."

He looked back over at you cautiously. You just nodded, giving up as you slouched over slightly, looking down into your lap. He couldn't help but smile slightly.

When your hands came to your sides, palms pressed against the concrete, his gaze flickered down towards them. His hand was so close to wouldn't take much to just...move it a little bit. Maybe on top of yours. In one, single, fluid movement.

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