Chapter 11 - Rising Conflicts

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Chapter Song Rec: Sunflower by Post Malone


"You're a sunflower...I think your love would be too much" Miles hummed under his breath as he peered over the docks, silhouette hidden by the dark of the night. "Or you'll be left in the dust...unless I stuck by ya"

He waited for the security guards circling the bright orange shipment box to leave before he began to silently inch towards it. Their quiet voices could be heard in the distance, bickering with each other as they paid no attention to him as he leapt behind the container and sliced his way inside.

The metal creaked slightly under his touch as he pulled the mangled square of steel to the side and stepped in, the eyes of his mask adjusting to the black. It was completely empty, as the police had probably taken everything into the station as evidence, but he still had an idea.

He spun the dial on the back of his mask, the eyes narrowing slightly as he switched to UV light. The light shined across the room, illuminating his way as he searched for any signs of fingerprints, footprints, even a hair or two. Something that could help him figure out who exactly this doppelgänger was.

"You're the're the sunflower"

His humming stopped when he noticed something small in the corner, what looked like a small scratch of some sorts. He kneeled down, staring at it before placing his claw against the same spot and scratching down.

The scratch his claw made was different. Deeper. Wider.

That meant whatever gear this doppelgänger was using definitely wasn't like his own. It was different.

He sighed under his breath, standing up. That was just going to make things harder.

He pulled out a small cotton swab from his pouch and swiped at the scratch, hoping to gather up some sort of chemical evidence that could help him figure out what type of metal the guy's claws were made out of. Based on that he could track down any suppliers and maybe even find out who he was.

"Who's there?"

Miles froze when he heard the footsteps of the guards returning, but he couldn't panic. He quickly jumped out of the open square and swung away before the guards could catch him, leaving them with their flashlights shining on the broken opening.

Close call. Too close. He was losing his touch.

This wasn't going to end well.


Your POV


"To respond or not to respond?" you asked yourself for what must've been the tenth time today as you stared at the old notification that had popped up when Miles had dmed you. It was dark outside, Maria had left maybe an hour ago and you were all by yourself at home, lying upside down on your bed with you legs propped up against the headboard while you listened to your conflicting thoughts.

He definitely knew you were online since you'd accepted his follow request and now you were starting to feel bad for leaving him on delivered. But you'd feel even worse if you'd started texting him considering how put-off Maria seemed when he'd found your account.

You groaned, pulling your pillow onto your face and setting your phone down. This was so stupid.

You heard a ding and your head immediately snapped to the side. Another notification had popped up, this time from messages rather than dms.

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