Chapter 14 - Genius

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A/N: I wanted to explore Miles' feelings after his dad's death a little so pls bear with me if his thoughts are a little depressing lol, I just wanted it to be more realistic 😭 tw blood and death if that's a trigger to you!

Chapter Song Rec: All for Us by Labrinth & Zendaya


Miles' POV



Gunshots followed by bombs


Punches thrown at the bag in front of him


He couldn't stop. He had to keep going. He had to save everyone-

"Miles!" a whisper. Miles gasped out loud, punching harder, trying to hit the thoughts away, trying to stop himself from reliving the memories-

"Miles! Run, Miles, run!" His dad's voice. Deep. Comforting. Just like he'd remembered it. But when he'd said those words his voice was filled with fear. His last words.

"Run, Miles!"



He couldn't stop. He had to keep going, he had to keep fighting.

But it wasn't enough. It was never enough, right? No matter what he did, he'd never be enough.

He couldn't save his dad. He couldn't stop the bad guys. He...he wasn't enough.

"Dad!" he'd sobbed, holding his dying father in his arms, trying to stop the blood from pouring out of his punctured body. "Dad, please...I'm sorry. I'm sorry" he'd whispered, tears flowing down his face, just like they were flowing right now.

Right now, as he jabbed at his uncle's punching bag, hitting and hitting, his knuckles raw and bleeding, his fists turning a dark red, he just kept hitting, wishing he was the one that'd died that day, wishing for the tears to just disappear and for the rest of him to do the same.

Wishing his dad was still there.


A final punch. A strong punch. Driven straight through the bag, puncturing the middle and leaving sand pouring out. His hand hurt, it was bleeding, but he didn't care. He kept hitting the bag, no longer punching, but just hitting. Jabbing the sides of his hands into the broken leather, until he just collapsed, hugging the bag tightly, his muffled sobs loud enough for the whole house to hear.

Luckily his uncle wasn't home. Because if he was, Miles would've never let himself break down like this.

He couldn't. He had to be strong. For his Mami, for his uncle, for the Prowler, for his friends, for you.


Would you like him if you saw him right now? Face wet with tears and bloody fists, curled up against the floor, sobbing in a pile of sand.

Would you leave him too?

He sat there for a moment, sniffling, before he stood up, stoically walking over to the bathroom. He washed his face, wiped his eyes, bit his lip to stop it from quivering and stared at himself. His eyes bore into the reflection, scrutinizing every single detail.

He hated himself.

But he'd never tell anyone that. How would they look at Miles Gonzalo Morales, the brave son of a cop, the strong boxer, the man of the house, if they saw him staring at himself in the mirror, fixating on his too-skinny frame, his imperfect hairline, his too big eyes?

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