Chapter 15 - 'Yeah'

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Chapter Song Rec:  All Mine by PLAZA


"Are you sure he's gonna be over here?"

"I'm sure."

You nodded gently and he held you a little tighter as he swung through the city, the GPS in his mask beeping frantically. He'd used the broken pieces of the camera he'd found in his room to try and pinpoint where exactly it'd been sent from. With your help, he'd narrowed it down to an apartment on the Upper East Side, not too far away, but not close either.

He knew he had to get there as quickly as possible.

But of course...he'd promised not to leave you behind. Which was why you were holding onto him for dear life while he shot his grappling hook out into the city, the dark sky and cold air making your dizzy as you buried your face into his neck.

"You couldn't have gotten me my own grappling hook? Or booster shoes, or whatever you use?" You muttered under your breath, fingers gripping onto the back of his shirt.

"What, you don't like my swinging?" He grinned, speeding up just for the fun of it while you groaned under your breath. "I'm gonna be sick."

"Don't." He breathed out, clutching your waist tighter. "We're nearly there."

You just groaned again, closing your eyes tightly as he turned a corner. He was right, it only took a few more minutes before he landed, placing you down gently. As you began to sway over, he caught you, pushing you up against the wall so you could find your balance.

"That was horrible" you choked out from under your mask, breathing heavily. He just chuckled, holding your shoulders up until he was sure you could stand without falling. "You get used to it."

"W- where are we?" you asked, looking over his shoulder to see that the two of you were on top of some crappy apartment building, overlooking a few billboards.

"Exactly where we're supposed to be." he said, taking a step back, making sure you could stand before he stepped away and looked over the edge of the rooftop. "Yeah. This looks like the place."

As he helped you down and through one of the open windows, you realized it was an abandoned building. It was listed to be bulldozed down soon, or at least, that's what all the notices on the doors said. Luckily, the two of you had come right in time. 

He kept a tight grip on your arm as the two of you walked through the complex, and it was starting to bruise. "Ow!" You hissed, trying to push his hand off. "Why are you holding on so tight?!" you snapped, massaging your arm gently.

He stared at you, as if only now realizing just how hard he'd been holding onto your wrist. "Sorry." he muttered, looking away. "I just...just stay close, okay? I don't need you getting mauled over again."

"I was never mauled over!" you exclaimed, following behind him with a huff.

"Yeah? Because just this morning I remember you nearly getting choked to death by a certain someone." he said a little teasingly, glancing back at you over his shoulder. "Wouldn't want that to happen again, would we, Mami?"

You felt your face heat up. "Don't call me that." You mumbled, pushing past him and walking in front. 

You could practically feel his face light up under that mask. "Don't call you what? Mami?" he laughed, walking by your side. "What? Does it embarrass you, Mami?"

"Shut up!"


Both of you jumped as a pole fell down. He grabbed you by the waist, pulling you behind him and nearly knocking the breath out of you as he extended his gauntlets defensively. "Who's there?" he called out.

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