Chapter 18 - Mami

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Chapter Song Rec: Lights by Ellie Goulding


2 years ago


A 14-year old Miles sat in his room, doors locked, windows closed, lights off, completely sealed from the outside world. The clammer of the guests downstairs was loud, but he tried to block it out. He didn't want to hear people talking about how sorry they felt for him. How sorry they were about what happened.

It happened. It was over.

Nothing would be the same.

He pulled at the collar of his shirt, taking his suit jacket off and tossing it over to the side of the room. It was hot. He looked down at his hands, clean, but his nails bit off and ruined, his skin picked at, his knuckles bleeding.

But it didn't hurt. He was too numb for it to hurt.


He looked up at the door.

"Mijo? What happened?" His mom sounded worried, and that made his heart hurt. He didn't want to worry her. He was just so...mad.

"I'm fine, Mami. Go back downstairs."

"Open the door, Miles. I'm not asking."

He sighed quietly, covering his face with his hands before standing up, walking over to the door. The door clicked when it unlocked, and he opened it to see a terrified look on his mother's face as she stood there in her black dress. "Oye, what was that noise? Did something fall on you?" She put her hands on his shoulders, looking his face over.

"I'm fine. Nothing happened-" 

She glanced around him, searching for where that noise could have come from. Her gaze landed on the wall and her shoulders tensed up. Miles cursed himself under his breath.

"Oh, pobrecito-" she murmured, pulling him into a hug, her eyes never leaving the wall. "Why would you do that, Miles?" She asked gently. She took his hands in hers and rubbed his knuckles gently, trying to wipe the blood away. "No lo duele? (Doesn't it hurt?)"

"No, Mami, I'm okay. It's fine. I was just-" he took a sharp breath, pulling his hands out of hers. "I'm fine."

"You're not fine." She said, taking his hands back. "And that's okay! Come on, sit down-" She ushered him towards the bed while he just groaned.

"Won't everyone wonder where you are?" he asked, plopping down on the bed, the mattress sinking in underneath him.

"Tch, it's a funeral, not a dinner party. They're here for your father, not for me." She told him, sitting down on the bed next to him. He looked down at his hands, turning them over and she sighed quietly, watching him worriedly.

"Miles, you know punching things isn't going to make you feel better, right?" She said gently.

His breath hitched. "I know." 

"Your father-" She started, squeezing her eyes shut. "-he wouldn't have wanted you to act like this. He wouldn't have wanted this for you."

"What do you mean?" he asked, looking up at her. "I punched a wall, it's not a big deal-" he muttered.

Rio's gaze flashed with annoyance before softening again. She put her hand on his shoulder gently. "He'd want you to talk about it. Not beat yourself up. What happened to your father was an accident. It wasn't your fault...and it wasn't his fault."

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