Chapter 2 - I don't even know her

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A/N: I'm going to start bolding Miles' words so that its easier for people to understand when he's speaking!!

Chapter Song Rec: Moana by G-Eazy and Jack Harlow


Miles POV


He returned home that night, grumbling to himself about how that he'd had to help that girl get home because she couldn't do it herself. Why was she even out that late at night anyways? Is she dumb or something?  What was she expecting to happen? He climbed in through his bedroom window, huffing as he pulled off his mask and tossed it to the side, the metal making a slight rattle as it slid under the bed, effectively hiding from anyone who entered the room. Although it wasn't like anyone came into his room in the first place. Even his mom rarely entered, unless she had to.

"Miles?" He was in the process of pulling off his Prowler jacket, pink and cropped when he heard his mom calling out for him. "Yeah?" he called back, tossing his jacket under the bed with his mask and pulling a hoodie over his head to cover the rest of his suit. 

"Can you come here please? I need to talk to you." He froze at those words, his blood running cold. Shit. What if she found out? "Alright, just give me a second!" he called back, voice a slightly higher-pitch as he looked into his bedside mirror to check for any bruises or blood that might give him away. He was clean.

He walked downstairs cautiously, scanning his mother's face as he entered the living room. She was sitting at the dining table, a somber look on her face. She looked up at him, forcing a smile and gesturing for him to sit down. He obliged, pulling out a chair before asking, "¿Qué pasó Mami?" (What happened?)

He was fidgeting with his fingers under the table, heart practically beating out of his chest as he quietly waited for her to respond, a fake smile plastered across his face, dread spreading through his body.

"Miles, mijo, you know we've been struggling with money recently..." she started, her voice wavering slightly as she spoke, as if she was trying not to break down. Miles eyes softened, the realization that he wasn't caught hitting him. He nodded his head gently, putting his hands on top of the table and cupping his mother's hands in his. 

"And I don't think we can afford for you to keep attending Brooklyn Visions." Miles blinked, trying to process what she meant by that. "So I'm gonna go to a different school?" He asked carefully. She nodded quietly and Miles could see tears pricking the corners of her eyes. "Hey, Mami, no llores, its okay. (don't cry) I didn't like that prissy school anyways." He said, giving her a reassuring smile.

"I know-I know but your father, he wanted you to go to Visions Academy so badly" she said, her voice breaking slightly as she looked down. "He was so happy when you were accepted. And you deserve to go to a good school, you're such a smart boy" She said, reaching toward his cheek and pinching it slightly. Miles leaned in to her hand, closing his eyes with a smile before speaking. "It doesn't matter. Dad wouldn't have wanted you to work yourself to death trying to put me through that school anyways. I'll do great at any school, Mami."

"Okay. Okay." She said, calming down slightly as she stood up. "I'll look at the transfer process and everything. Its gonna be okay." She reassured, although it sounded more like she was trying to make herself feel better more than Miles. He nodded in response, standing up with her. "I know you want the best for me, Mami. But you don't gotta worry about me."

"I know. Mi hijo perfecto. (my perfect son)" She said, lovingly caressing his cheek. She glanced down at her watch and her eyes widened slightly. "Look sweetie, I'm picking up another shift tonight. I put dinner in the fridge, okay?" She grabbed her bag from its place on the chair at the dining table, slinging it over her shoulder. "Be good." She grabbed her phone as well and kissed Miles on the forehead.

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