Beginning with a goodbye

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Our unfinished story

Ishan pens and sighs. He had the courage to call niyati but he wanted to write it down. He would call her, later because Shubman told him to, how could he not listen to him?

He was told by almost everyone that if he truly loved Niyati, He should end it. Properly. Without anyone getting hurt by their separation.

Dear Niyati, 

He continues

I hope this letter finds you well and in good spirits. I've been questioning my emotions for some time now, and I believe it's crucial for both of us to address the lingering sentiments between us. Our story, though seemingly concluded, feels unfinished, and there are words that need to be spoken.

First of all, I sincerely apologise. I know most of it is my fault and it's going to be hard time forgiving me.

The sounds of our shared laughter and the warmth of our moments together have refused to fade from my mind. Breaking up was undoubtedly a difficult decision, and I respect the need for personal growth and self-discovery. However, as I navigate through the aftermath of our separation, I find myself compelled to share some thoughts that have remained unspoken.

It's challenging to put into words the complexity of emotions I've experienced since that day. I want you to know that my intention is not to start old flames or stir unnecessary confusion. Instead, I hope to provide both of us with the closure we deserve and the honesty that has been absent from our recent interactions.

I've had the best times of my life with you, and loads of emotions - joy, comfort and a sense of belonging. However, It was my fault that the differences started to appear and our paths never collided.

But, I don't blame you, None of it. It's barely your fault. And, I did realise that I do not love you the way I did before.

Sorry, I should have tried better but I didn't want to talk to you anymore as long. Times with shubman seemed more exciting, He made me feel at home. 

No, I'm getting sidetracked.

Our story may have taken an unexpected turn, but I cherish the beautiful moments we created together. I wish you nothing but happiness and success in your journey, Niyati. May life lead you to the fulfilment and joy you seek.

Thank you for the shared laughter, the shared tears, and the shared growth.

I honestly wish the best for you and if you'd still like to be friends with me, I'd be the happiest man alive.

Wishing you well,


He dropped his pen and twirled around the chair. He had a lot of free time these days after the series.

A few days went on since he posted the letter, He was getting better and shubman was glad. The awkward tension between them vanished as they promised each other.

All the teammates were still concerned about Ishan but little did they know...

Shubman was hurting more than everyone. He didn't express it often but he was going through hell and he hated it.

Everything was back to normal with Ishan but he was a wreck. He felt mentally exhausted. He ate little, spoke little and smiled little. He wanted to talk to Shahneel Di. Maybe she'll understand.

Shubman prayed so.

But he put on an act, Not to mention, No one seemed to notice as well.

He was a great actor.

He went to sleep that day, Hoping everything would be better tomorrow.

The following day, Ishan decided to call niyati and end things for good; If the letter reached her she should have replied.. right?

"Hi," Niyati said as if nothing had happened between them. 

"Hey, Did you get my letter?" 

"Yes, I read it. And Ishan, I can't say I've stopped loving you. You're like an addiction and you still are. But I respect it that you have stopped. I wouldn't change it even if I could" Yeah, exactly why Ishan loved her

"So, everything's fine between us now?" Ishan asks with guilt in his voice. He felt bad.

"Yes, ishu. And, if you still want to stay connected. I'd love to be friends" 

"I am the luckiest man alive" 

"Sure, you are."

The call lasted for 30 more minutes and it felt nice. Niyati was an amazing person. Ishan just shouldn't have fallen for her in the first place and got these stupid feelings inside their friendship.

A goodbye to their relationship,

A welcome to their profound camaraderie.

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