Confession and rejection at first sight.

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"Sara, Everything fine?" Shubman asks smiling at her, They had come to a secret hideout because Sara insisted. It was day 2 of their break and Sara wanted shubman to meet her for something important. 

"I'm absolutely fine" She said smiling nervously and fiddling with her fingers. Not to mention the sweating as well.

Shubman, sensing Sara's nervousness, took a step closer, concern etched on his face. "You seem a bit off, Sara. Is there something you want to share?"

Sara hesitated for a moment but gathered the courage to speak her mind.

"Shubman, I know I've messed up real big time. I should have talked it out with you and sorted it out like adults do. But I was just so stupid back then and I regret all of it. I really do." Sara says trying to imply something as she catches a breath. Shubman looks at her as if he were telling her to continue.

"Shub, it's just-" Sara stopped again, the whole conversation made her feel like a stranger to shubman.

"Shub, it's just I love you. " The confession hit like a rock. And, both of them were stuck trying to process what was happening.

"Love? Sara, You do realise what you're trying to say right now sounds like bullshit right?" Shubman says laughing hysterically. He was rejected by the woman in front of him just a few months ago and now she's confessing?

Sara's face turned crimson, a mix of embarrassment and frustration. "Shubman, I understand how it sounds, but it's true. I've had time to think, and I've come to realize my feelings for you. I should have been honest from the beginning."

Shubman, still processing the unexpected turn of events, shook his head. "Sara, you can't just drop a bomb like this out of the blue. I thought we agreed it wasn't going to work between us. I thought it was going to initially, but I do not feel the same right now."

Sara, now on the verge of tears, pleaded, "Shubman, people make mistakes, and I admit I made a big one. But my feelings for you are genuine, and I can't hide them anymore." Shubman stood there looking at her, Where were the damned butterflies? Where were the feelings? where was the love for her that once existed?

"Shubman took a deep breath, trying to make sense of the whirlwind of emotions. "Sara, I appreciate your honesty, but I can't just switch my feelings like a light. It's too late, and it wouldn't be fair to either of us. Let's just move forward as friends, like we originally planned."

 Please say yes Sara, don't look at me with those eyes, I might melt again. I might fall in love again, I might break my heart again. Shubman's thought.

"I'm sorry shubman, I never meant to complicate things between us. I just wanted to be honest with you"

" I appreciate it. But, I genuinely do not want to be in love right now. My head's been a  mess and I want to focus on myself. I am sorry for hurting you" Shubman says as Sara wipes a tear of her eyes. She couldn't control it anymore. She stepped forward and hugged the man in front of her. Shubman felt a thud against his chest and just patted her back.

He knew, He knew what heartbreak felt like. Heartbreak is like a storm inside you, starting quietly and then crashing down.

 At first, it's like feeling the ground shake beneath you. Your chest feels heavy, and your heart hurts. It's more than just being sad; it's a deep ache that makes everything seem grey.

When heartbreak hits, it's as if time slows down. Days and nights blend together, and the future you once saw is now uncertain. Simple joys lose their sparkle, and even laughter feels hollow.

Heartbreak brings profound loneliness. The world seems empty, and even in a crowd, you feel alone. Memories of shared moments linger, making it hard to let go.

"I'm so sorry, I should have noticed before. I will try my best to stay friends and not let my feelings invade our friendship" Sara says trying to maintain dignity and respect. She felt embarrassed about the whole situation but her feelings toyed her more.

"Sara... I don't mind. Please take some time. It's hard right now so don't make excuses to make me feel better. Let's stay away from each other for a while if that's going to help."

"Shubman, I understand if you need time. I didn't mean to complicate things, and I respect whatever decision you make," Sara said, her voice choked with emotion.

Shubman nodded, still processing the revelation. "I appreciate your honesty, Sara. It's just... I can't force myself to feel something I don't. We had our chance, and it didn't work out. I'm sorry if this hurts you."

Sara took a step back, wiping away a tear. "I know, Shubman. It's just hard to accept, you know? I thought I could bury these feelings, but they resurfaced, and I had to tell you."

Shubman sighed, "It's okay, Sara. We can still be friends, right? Let's give each other some space for now, and maybe with time, things will settle."

Sara nodded, managing a faint smile through her tears. "Friends, yeah. I need to get my emotions in check. I'm sorry for dropping this bomb on you."

Shubman gently touched her shoulder, offering a reassuring smile as they parted ways. "It's alright, Sara. We'll figure this out. Take the time you need, and when you're ready, we can talk again." 

Although both of them didn't get the closure they wanted, They got one that they needed instead. A closure that cleared the weight of loads from shubman's heart.

Shubman was sitting on his bed trying to count the number of tiles on the floor.  

"Shubiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" Virat bhai comes in shouting. Shubman whines in disappointment as he loses the count but he looks up to find Virat bhai inside. Shubman immediately smiled, He didn't intend to... after that incident with Sara. But it was Virat and Rohit bhaiya at his door. How could he possibly not smile looking at them?

"Shubi, Please run. They're going to make you the hardest question of the century" Ishan buts in as he looks at the other guys. They all nodded at him to run away, Immediately.

"Please go easy on me, I've not completed my education," Shubman says looking over not knowing what to expect.

"Shubi, Who do you think is better? Me or Rohit?" 

Hell no, this was a more difficult question than having to deal with Integrals and derivations in math.

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