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Skip at night

Author pov.
Lisa fall sleep on a bedroom while Jungkook at downstairs and were drunk

Jungkook pov.
(In mind)
I went to the bedroom to see my doll sleeping she look like a angels

(In mind)I went to the bedroom to see my doll sleeping she look like a angels

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Author pov.
Jungkook went to seat on couch while admiring Lisa beauty suddenly Jungkook went near Lisa and hold her hand

Lisa: Ahhhhh what the heck who are you

Author pov.
Jungkook pinned Lisa down to the bed

Jungkook: Me

Lisa: Wha-t ar-e yo-u do-ing lea-ve me

Lisa pov.
(In mind)
I just realized it was Jungkook

Jungkook: Are you afraid doll

Author pov.
Lisa were feeling scared Jungkook holding Lisa wrist tightly Lisa try to take her hands from Jungkook grip

Jungkook: You think you are strong but don't think you are going to win doll

Author pov.
Jungkook suddenly kiss Lisa lips roughly and bite her earlobe


Author pov.
Jungkook closed Lisa mouth

Jungkook: Shhhhh don't shout my hyung is getting rest with your unnie

Lisa: I want my unnie

Jungkook bite Lisa neck Lisa hit  Jungkook down parts with her whole strength making Jungkook groan in pain

Jungkook: Ahhh

Lisa: You monster don't try to touch me I hate you so much

Jungkook: Don't shout at me you will face something you don't like I will ruined each part of your body doll

Author pov.
Lisa widen her eyes while Jungkook were walking forward to Lisa with smirk on his handsome face

Lisa: Don't co-me near me Jungkook please

Author pov.
Lisa walk backward

Jungkook: Jeon Lalisa do you think you can win

Lisa: Yes I.....

Author pov.
Jungkook pinned Lisa to the door

Jungkook: You have a confident but you will be begging for me when you are under me

Author pov.
Jungkook word send shiver to Lisa spine

Lisa: I can win and I will win with a monster like you Jeon Jungkook

Author pov.
Jungkook kissed Lisa jawline while Lisa bite her bottom lips

Lisa: Please go away I'm begging you

Jungkook: I'm a mafia king I won't accept anyone begging for my help doll

Author pov.
Jungkook took out cigarettes from his pocket and start to smoke Lisa were coughing and find it disgusting 

Lisa: Ugh it's so disgusting

Jungkook: What Jeon Lalisa

Author pov.
Jungkook went near Lisa and put smoke on her hand and make it like a tattoo


Jungkook: Shhhhh calm down

To be continued

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