The baby

433 14 2

Jungkook pov.
(In mind)
Why Lisa is crying

Lisa: Excuse me

Author pov.
Lisa went to the bathroom leaving Jungkook alone

Jungkook pov.
I were about to sit on the bed but I saw a pregnancy test

I were about to sit on the bed but I saw a pregnancy test

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Lisa is pregnant that why she cry. I saw Lisa closed the bathroom door I hide the pregnancy test from her

Lisa pov.
I went out from the bathroom

Jungkook: Lisa you didn't have any secret right

Lisa pov.
(In mind)
Why he suddenly ask this question

Lisa: N-o

Jungkook: Sure

Lisa: Ye-s

Jungkook: Then what is this

Author pov.
Lisa eyes widen when Jungkook show her the pregnancy test. Jungkook walk forward to Lisa while Lisa walk backward until she stop when she hit the wall. Jungkook pinned Lisa to the wall

Jungkook: Why you didn't tell me about the baby

Lisa: I don't want this baby

Jungkook: You don't want this baby or this baby is not mine

Lisa: What

Jungkook: This baby is not mine right

Lisa: No this baby is yours Jungkook

Jungkook: Don't lie Lisa I always believe you but you make me realize that you shouldn't be believed

Lisa: Jungkook this is your child I swear

Jungkook: Stop your nonsense Lisa even though I'm a mafia king but I never hurt a child

Lisa: This baby


Author pov.
Lisa start to cry. Jungkook went out from the bedroom and slammed the door making Lisa flinched

To be continued

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