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Skip tomorrow morning

Lisa pov.
I wake up from the bed and went to the bathroom to take shower after done this is what I wore

I wake up from the bed and went to the bathroom to take shower after done this is what I wore

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I went downstairs to see Sehun from Exo sitting on the couch

Sehun pov.
Who is this girl she look so beautiful

Who is this girl she look so beautiful

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Author pov.
Sehun was looking at Lisa and went near to her

Sehun: Lisa from BLACKPINK

Lisa: Yes

Sehun: Sweet name with beautiful face

Lisa: Thank you

Sehun: But what are you doing here Lisa

Lisa pov.
(In mind)
Should I tell him or not. I just tell him maybe he could save me

Author pov.
Lisa told everything happened to Sehun

Sehun: So Jungkook is a mafia

Lisa: Mafia King

Sehun: What

Lisa: Yes please help me

(Sehun know Jungkook is a mafia king but why he act like he doesn't know infact he is a mafia also)

Author pov.
Sehun hold Lisa hand

Lisa: What are you doing

Sehun: Shhhhh

Author pov.
He said in deep voice suddenly Sehun hold Lisa waist tightly

Lisa: What you are trying to do with me

Sehun: You look so hot in this clothes but if you are naked then it will be more beautiful

Lisa: What are you talking about

Sehun: You

Lisa: Leave my hands away

Author pov.
Lisa pushed Sehun and was about to run but Sehun is fast enough to hold Lisa hand he push Lisa. Lisa fell down in pain while Sehun where trying to rip Lisa clothes. Lisa hold her clothes tightly

Sehun: Remove your hands Lisa

Lisa: Please I'm begging I don't want to lose my virginity

Sehun: Cutie what to do you push me I have to this is what you deserve

Author pov.
Sehun bite his lips and look at Lisa with lustful eyes. Sehun was about to kiss Lisa lips but he got punch in his face

Who do you guys think the one who punch Sehun

It was from Jungkook

Jungkook: How there you touch something that is mine

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Jungkook: How there you touch something that is mine

Author pov.
Jungkook kick Sehun

Sehun: You will regret it Jungkook

Author pov.
Sehun run as fast as he can

Author pov.
Jungkook take out his jacket and put it on Lisa

Lisa: Jungkook I'm scared

Jungkook: Shhhhhh don't cry I'm here for you doll

Author pov.
Jungkook kiss Lisa forehead to keep her calm Jungkook carry Lisa to their bedroom

To be continued

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