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Lisa pov.
(In mind)
I went downstairs after taking shower to see a man with man

(In mind)I went downstairs after taking shower to see a man with man

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Jungkook: Lisa sit down

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Jungkook: Lisa sit down

Author pov.
Lisa went to sit down

Jungkook: Lisa this is Hanbin you can call him B.I

B.I: Hi

Jungkook: B.I this is Lisa my wife

B.I: Bro are you sure you want to Sold this girl

Jungkook: Of course

Lisa: Sold

Jungkook: Yes I'm going to sold you with him

Lisa: You think I'm what a toy for you to play Jungkook. I'm your wife and you want to sold me to other

Jungkook: Punishment

Author pov.
Lisa stand up and slapped Jungkook face while B.I look at Lisa with lustful eyes

Jungkook: You dare to slap me Lisa

Author pov.
Jungkook pulled Lisa hair and twisted her other hand then Jungkook choke Lisa neck. Jungkook leave Lisa while Lisa were coughing



Author pov.
Lisa ran to upstairs

Jungkook: Lalisa Manobal, Lisa

B.I: After she wants me. Give her to me she is interesting

Author pov.
After B.I went Jungkook went out also leaving Lisa with maid and bodyguard

At Lisa

Author pov.
Lisa were crying while thinking how can Jungkook do like this is he a human being

Lisa pov.
I hate you Jeon Jungkook you ruined my life. I hate you so much you will definitely regret it. Fuck you Jeon Jungkook. You will regret it or I will make you regret it. I Fucking hate you so much Jeon Jungkook what did you even achieve to be a mafia king

Author pov.
While Lisa were crying she faint because she was really weak after incident of last night she really hate Jungkook for being like that

To be continued

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