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Lisa pov.
I were live happily with my son Seol, my parents and no Jungkook. I didn't meet him for the past one year after I ran away from the mansion, I didn't even hear news about him, I kinda miss him but he just leave me alone when I was pregnant with Seol, he doesn't believe that Seol was his child but he believes IU. I also opened a company names Manoban's company and it was very successful I want to share my success with my unnie but I can't find them

Author pov.
Lisa, Seol and Lisa parents were getting ready to go to the airport for business award

Lisa, Seol and Lisa parents were getting ready to go to the airport for business award

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Author pov.
Lisa were mask to avoid them calling her Lisa from BLACKPINK. Because she didn't told Seol about she is a kpop idol but she told about Jungkook but as guy who think that she cheat on him not as mafia king

 Because she didn't told Seol about she is a kpop idol but she told about Jungkook but as guy who think that she cheat on him not as mafia king

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Lisa: Seol wait here with your grandma and grandpa. I will come back

Seol: Ok Mommy

Author pov.
Lisa went to washroom

Seol pov.
(In mind)
Wow popcorn I want to go there but mommy never let me how if I ask grandpa and grandma also they never give me what to do. I have to run fast

Author pov.
While Lisa parents were busy looking at their phone Seol went to see the popcorn. While walking he bump into a male and that male was Jeon Jungkook

 While walking he bump into a male and that male was Jeon Jungkook

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Seol: Sorry sir

Jungkook: Are you OK

Author pov
Even Jungkook was a mafia but he never hurts a kid

Seol: I'm OK

Jungkook: Where your parents

Seol: Mommy is at the washroom

Jungkook: Where are you going

Seol: Pupcorn

Jungkook: You are hungry

Author pov.
Seol smile at Jungkook

Jungkook pov.
(In mind)
He looks exactly like me

Seol: Yes

At Lisa

Lisa pov.
I went out from the washroom and Seol was not there

Lisa: Mom and dad where is Seol

Lisa mom: Oh my god

Lisa dad: Where is Seol

Lisa: Let's find him first. If you find him call me

Author pov.
Lisa parents nodded. Lisa start to find Seol

Lisa pov.
I were finding Seol then I found him with a man I saw it was Jungkook. What the fuck. Why is he here. I should go to Seol

Author pov.
Lisa went to Seol

Lisa: Seol come here I told you don't talk to strangers right and don't go anywhere

Jungkook: Madam he was hungry

Lisa: Are you hungry

Seol: Yes mommy

Lisa: Let's go

Author pov.
Lisa went away with Seol

Jungkook pov.
I have see that eyes somewhere it's look like Lisa

To be continued

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