Mental hospital

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Bam Bam: Jungkook and Lisa we have to go

Jungkook: OK

Author pov.
After Mina and Bam Bam went away Jungkook turned to see Lisa was not there

Jungkook pov.
Where is this girl. LISA, Lisa

Author pov.
Jungkook were finding Lisa then he found Lisa with a Somin. Jungkook went to her

Lisa: Somin

Somin: Aunty Lisa

Lisa pov.
(In mind)
I'm only 26 years old Somin called me aunty. Relax Lisa calm down

Jungkook: Somin

Somin: Uncle Jungkook

Jungkook: What are you doing here. Where is your parents

Somin: Dad only came mom was not here

Lisa: Where is she

Somin: Mental hospital

Lisa: What

Somin: Dad says dad she sent mom to the hospital she will stay there for one month

Jungkook: One month

Author pov.
Somin nodded suddenly Jong-Suk

Jong-Suk: Somin where did you go. I was finding you

Somin: I was here with aunt Lisa and uncle Jungkook

Jong-Suk: Oh. How are you guys doing

Jungkook: We are good sorry for IU

Jong-Suk: No it's OK. Somin let's go

Somin: Bye aunt Lisa and uncle Jungkook

Lisa: Bye

Author pov.
Lisa waves her hand to Somin

Jungkook: I feel bad for IU

Lisa: Let's go home

Jungkook: So fast

Lisa: I want to go

Jungkook: Lisa

Lisa: Faster Jeon Jungkook

Jungkook: We will eat ice cream and go

Lisa: Nope I'm not eating it

Jungkook: I don't care and you are going to eat it

Author pov.
Jungkook dragged Lisa to the ice cream place

Jungkook: Two chocolate ice cream please

Ice cream seller: Here you are sir

Author pov.
Jungkook give the money and they start to eat while eating they were a bit of ice cream on Lisa lips. Jungkook stopped eating ice cream and look at Lisa lips

Lisa pov.
(In mind)
What is wrong with this mafia king

Author pov.
Lisa stopped eating ice cream while Jungkook slowly moved his face near to Lisa while Lisa were going backward until Jungkook face were really closed that Lisa could hear his heartbeat

Lisa: Jung-kook

Author pov.
Jungkook didn't said anything Lisa could feel the gaze of Jungkook was on her lips suddenly Jungkook attached his lips to Lisa lips making Lisa shocked she didn't move a bit also like she was hyponatize. Jungkook kisses Lisa lips passionately and lick her lips that he could test ice cream and Lisa lips sweetness. After some time Jungkook pulled the kiss and smiled at Lisa

Lisa: What is that

Jungkook: You had ice cream on the lips so I just remove it

Lisa: There are people around here

Jungkook: Yeah I know and what wrong with that you are my wife

Author pov.
Lisa look down while we're smiling shyly

Jungkook: My wife is blushing

Lisa: Let's go home I don't want to stay here anymore it's embarrassing

Author pov.
Lisa walk away leaving Jungkook

Jungkook: Lisa wait

Author pov.
Even though Lisa were feeling shy but she also could feel hatred towards Jungkook

To be continued

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