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Jungkook: But you disobey me

Lisa: What

Jungkook: I said don't help him but you still want to help

Lisa: Jungkook he is your father

Jungkook: I don't care doll

Author pov.
Jungkook dragged Lisa to a room

Lisa: Ahhh Jungkook it's hurt

Jungkook: Shut up doll

Jungkook: Shut up doll

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Author pov.
Lisa just keep quiet and didn't talk anything while crying. Jungkook pushed Lisa to the wall. Lisa start to shaking because she find it creepy

Lisa: No please don't leave me here Jungkook

Author pov.
Jungkook walk forward to Lisa and grab her waist

Jungkook: I don't want to do this to you doll but you disobey me I have to do it if I do it you wouldn't dare to disobey me again remember doll everything you had also your body everything is mine only mine Lalisa Manobal it's only for Jeon Jungkook so stay in this dark room

Author pov.
Jungkook kiss Lisa lips and was about to go but Lisa hold his arm

Lisa: No, don't leave me please Jungkook it's scary please don't go

Author pov.
Jungkook pushed Lisa and locked the door

Lisa pov.

Author pov.
Lisa keep shouting but there were no one to help her

Lisa pov.
Please help me

Author pov.
Lisa cry the whole night

Lisa pov.
I hate you so much Jungkook I hate you. You destroy my life. I fucking hate you Jeon Jungkook you will regret it

Author pov.
Lisa faint there because she was so weak

At Jungkook

Jungkook pov.
Damn it I'm so sorry doll but you made me do it to you. I hate when someone desobey me doll. I have to do it just for you to not desobey me again

Author pov.
After two hours it was 12 p.m

Author pov.
Jungkook went to check on Lisa he saw Lisa faint so he carry her to the bedroom

Jungkook went to check on Lisa he saw Lisa faint so he carry her to the bedroom

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Suddenly Lisa woke up

Lisa: Please don't hurt me

Author pov.
Jungkook was hurt to see Lisa like that

Jungkook: Calm down doll

To be continued

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