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Skip tomorrow morning

Jungkook pov.
I went out from the mansion while I were driving I stoped at a beach near there. I went out from my car I were walking then I found the similar boy which I saw with I went to him

Jungkook: Hey

Seol: Uncle Jungkook

Jungkook: You know my name. Of course I know the day on business award and you come to save me

Jungkook: So smart what your name

Seol: Jeon Seol

Lisa: Seol let's go

Seol: Mommy let's spend time with Uncle Kook

Lisa: Seol

Seol: Please mommy

Lisa: You go with him

Seol: Come with us. Uncle Kook will be fine right

Jungkook: Of course

Author pov.
Jungkook smirk at Lisa while Lisa glared at Jungkook

Lisa: I will not come

Seol: Then I won't talk to you mommy

Lisa: Fine. I'm coming

Jungkook: Then let's go

Author pov.
They went to Jungkook car and Jungkook start to drive. Lisa and Seol sit on behind

Seol: Uncle Kook where are you going

Jungkook: Let's go to eat ice cream

Seol: Yes

Lisa: Seol you can't eat sweet right I told you

Jungkook: Let's it be doll

Seol: Yes mommy you can just didn't let me eat ice cream

Lisa: Do whatever you want just don't ask him to disturb me

Author pov.
Lisa look at the window while Jungkook look at Lisa through his rearview mirror

Jungkook pov.
(In mind)
I miss you so much doll. I want you back in my life

Seol: Uncle Kook

Jungkook: Yes

Seol: Can't you sing a song for me

Jungkook: What

Seol: Please sing for me

Jungkook: What song

Seol: We don't talk anymore

Jungkook: Sure. Just for you

Author pov.
Jungkook look at Lisa and turned to drive

Seol: Then start singing

Lisa pov.
(In mind)
His voice is still same angelic as usual it same went his was acting like idol also just to kidnap me

To be continued

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