Child and thought

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Skip in the night

Lisa pov.
(In mind)
I was getting ready for the party while I were getting ready a muscular arm hugged my waist from the behind I turned to see Jungkook

Lisa: Jungkook

Jungkook: My doll look so beautiful

Author pov.
This is what they wore

This is what they wore

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Jungkook pov

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Jungkook pov.
(In mind)
I went downstairs to see my mafia patner were talking with each other I grab the mic

Jungkook: Please enjoy the party guys
i invite you guys for my wedding party with Lisa my wife

Jungkook: Please enjoy the party guys i invite you guys for my wedding party with Lisa my wife

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ungkook pov.
(In mind)
After done giving speech I went to find doll then I saw her with a woman. I went to her

IU: Baby how are you

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IU: Baby how are you

Author pov.
IU said to Jungkook

Lisa: Baby

IU: Yes Jungkook

Lisa: So you guys now each other

Jungkook: I know you are IU but why you called me baby

IU: Jungkook this is your baby

Author pov.
IU touch her stomach

Lisa: What

IU: You were drunk Jungkook. You did it with me

Jungkook: No, I never did it. Lisa I never did it she is lying

Lisa: Oh so you are pregnant you guys did it when you are drunk

Author pov.
Lisa said while pointing at Jungkook with a fake smile

Lisa pov.
(In mind)
Why it's hurt when I doesn't love him but he get other woman pregnant

Lisa: Excuse me I have to go

Jungkook: Lisa

Author pov.
Jungkook hold Lisa hand but Lisa pushed Jungkook hand slightly. Lisa went away

Jungkook: IU how did I make you get pregnant

IU: You are drunk Jungkook and this is your baby

Author pov.
IU said while taking Jungkook hand and put on her stomach

Jungkook: I don't believe it IU

IU: But it yours

Jungkook: I have to go

Author pov.
Jungkook said coldly without expression he just went away

IU pov.
(In mind)
Jungkook you didn't make me get pregnant but I want to ruined your life Jungkook. I fucking love you I will not let Lisa take you

At Lisa

Lisa pov.
I were walking around and keep thinking does Jungkook really make IU got pregnant how can he do like this to me

Author pov.
While Lisa were thinking and a tears drop from her eyes someone pinned her to the wall and it was non other than



Author pov.
It was Sehun. Sehun is the one who pinned Lisa

Sehun: Baby how are you

Lisa: Leave me Sehun

Author pov.
Lisa look at Sehun with angry eyes while Sehun just smirk

Sehun: You look so beautiful princess

Author pov.
He touch Lisa thighs

Lisa: What are you doing leave me

Sehun: That day when I want to do it with you but that Jungkook came to help you but today no one going to save you from me baby

Author pov.
Lisa pushed Sehun strongly

Lisa: Don't dare to touch me

Author pov.
Lisa was about to run but Sehun hold Lisa waist tightly and kisses her lips. Lisa try to push Sehun but he was stronger than Lisa

At Jungkook

Jungkook pov.
I were walking around to find Lisa suddenly I saw Lisa kissing a man and that man was Sehun

Jungkook: LISA

Sehun: Oh shit Jungkook

Author pov.
Sehun run away while Lisa were just crying

Lisa: Jung-kook he kissed me

Author pov.
A slap landed on Lisa face

Jungkook: Slut you were enjoying when he kissed you

Lisa: Jung-kook why did you slap me

Author pov.
Jungkook grab Lisa arm harshly

Jungkook: He kissed you and you didn't even care Lalisa Manobal. CHEATERS

Lisa: I'm a slut or you said a cheater but you did with IU and she got pregnant Jungkook, because of you she got pregnant, Jungkook and you call me a cheater. YOU ARE THE CHEATERS JUNGKOOK, YOU ARE

Author pov.
Lisa hold Jungkook collar tightly



Author pov.
Lisa were crying while Jungkook just were calm and didn't care. Jungkook dragged Lisa to their bedroom and start to do it with her forcely

To be continued

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