Unborn child

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In the night

Lisa pov.
I were walking towards the bedroom while feeling really dizzy. I yawned because I'm sleepy I want to go to bathroom but I feel lazy but suddenly I want to vomit it's not like it was my first time that I want to vomit today but it's like the six time

Skip after Lisa vomit

Author pov.
Lisa went to the bed and sit on it. Lisa stared at the ceiling and thinking why she were vomiting

Lisa pov.
What happened to me I feel dizziness tiredness, nausea, sore breast, mood swings and the most important thing is I have craving for pickle and chocolate. I think I should see what is the sickness

Author pov.
Lisa check her phone and find out about pregnant

Lisa pov.
Am I pregnant is it possible

Jungkook maid: Madam Sir ask me to give you pajamas before

Lisa: Can you please help me

Jungkook maid: Yes sure what you want

Lisa: Do you have pregnancy test

Jungkook maid: Yes I have

Lisa: Can you give me I want to check

Jungkook maid: But sir

Lisa: Please I'm begging you

Jungkook maid: Sure. Please wait here madam

Author pov.
Lisa nodded while Jungkook maid went to take the pregnancy test

After three minutes

Jungkook maid: The pregnancy test

Lisa: Thank you so much

Author pov.
Lisa went to the bathroom to take the test after that Lisa went out with tears on her eyes

Jungkook maid: Are you pregnant madam

Author pov.
Lisa showed the pregnancy test and it's show two line it's mean positive

Lisa: I don't want this child

Jungkook maid: But this is your baby

Lisa: Can you go outside

Jungkook maid: Sure

Author pov.
Jungkook maid went outside. Lisa touch her stomach

Lisa: My baby I'm a bad mother for you. You don't deserve it

Author pov.
While Lisa were crying Jungkook came inside

Jungkook: Why are you crying and you didn't change into pajamas yet

Lisa: Nothing I'm good

Lisa pov.
(In mind)
I can't tell Jungkook about this baby

Jungkook: Ok

To be continued

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