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Author pov.
It's raining

Lisa pov.
(In mind)
I were crying while Jungkook went out he just went out whenever he wants

Author pov.
Suddenly it's start to thunder Lisa shout because she had a disease called Astraphobia which means extremely scared of thunder or lightning

Lisa pov.
Where are you Jungkook

At Jungkook

Jungkook pov.
I went out because I were very depressed are that child really was my baby. I can't even believe Lisa. I don't know what to do also. I can't abort that child because I'm very soft towards kids

Author pov.
Suddenly it was thunder

Jungkook pov.
Are Lisa going to be alright I hope she's ok. I have to go know, I have to check her

Author pov.
Jungkook knows that Lisa had Astraphobia

Skip after Jungkook arrived at the mansion

Author pov.
Jungkook open the door and went to check on Lisa

Jungkook pov.

Author pov.
Jungkook walk around downstairs but Lisa was not there Jungkook went upstairs to check on Lisa. Jungkook open their bedroom door and saw Lisa were on the floor hugging herself while closing her eyes and her ears

Jungkook: Doll

Author pov.
Jungkook called Lisa named softly

Lisa pov.
I turned to see Jungkook I went to hug him

Author pov.
Lisa hugged Jungkook and start to cry

Jungkook: Shhhhhhh I'm here calm down doll

Lisa: It's so loud

Jungkook: Yes but know I'm here right

Author pov.
Jungkook caressing Lisa hair. Thunder strike again Lisa flinched while Jungkook patted her head

Jungkook: Relax, doll no need to be scared I'm here for you. I love you

To be continued

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