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Skip at the airport

Author pov.
This is what they wore. They wore mask to avoid paparazzi

 They wore mask to avoid paparazzi

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(Think he wore a mask because I couldn't find he wore mask in any pictures)

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(Think he wore a mask because I couldn't find he wore mask in any pictures)

Skip at the airport

Seol: Uncle Kook is coming also

Jungkook: Of course I am

Author pov.
Jungkook look at Lisa while Lisa just keep quiet

Skip at Korea

Skip at Lisa mansion

Author pov.
Seol went inside. Lisa were about to go inside but stopped when Jungkook also were coming

Lisa: Where are you going

Jungkook: Inside

Lisa: And why

Jungkook: To see my in-laws parents which is my wife parents. Duh

Author pov.
Jungkook dragged Lisa with him they went inside


Lisa mom: WE TOO

Lisa dad: Where is mommy

Jungkook: Here we are

Author pov.
Lisa parents were shocked to see Jungkook

Lisa mom: Jeon Jungkook

Lisa dad: Lisa is he

Author pov.
Lisa nodded

Lisa mom: What are you doing here Jungkook

Jungkook: I'm going to stay with you guys

Lisa: What the f.......

Author pov.
Jungkook closed Lisa mouth and whispered to Lisa ear

Jungkook: Don't curse infront of our son doll

Author pov.
Lisa took Jungkook hand away from her mouth

Lisa: Are you serious Jungkook

Lisa dad: I guess it will be fine

Lisa: Dad

Lisa mom: I think it's OK also

Lisa: Mom you too

Seol: It's double OK for me

Jungkook: So I'm going to stay here for one week

Lisa: Ahhhh

Seol: I'm going to my bedroom

Author pov.
Lisa dragged her parents to kitchen while Jungkook were at the living room

Lisa: Mom and dad are you guys being serious

Lisa mom: Lisa he is the father of Seol

Lisa: But he doesn't believe that Seol was his ....

Jungkook: I believe that Seol was my son

Lisa dad: See beside just give him chance

Author pov.
Lisa parents went away leaving Lisa and Jungkook alone

Lisa: Are you being serious Jungkook. That time you said that Seol was not yours child and know you say he is your child what wrong with you

Jungkook: Lisa I realized it was my mistake. Jong-Suk told me

Lisa: Who is Jong-Suk

Jungkook: IU husband

Lisa: What

To be continued

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