Getting ready

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Skip in the morning

Lisa pov.
I were sleeping peacefully but I wake up because sun hit my face but Jungkook hand were hugging my waist. Lisa try to take Jungkook hand away from her waist but Jungkook hold Lisa waist tightly and brought Lisa near to him

Jungkook: Stay here for awhile doll. Don't go anywhere

Lisa: It's already I have to wake up

Author pov.
Jungkook leave Lisa waist. Lisa run to the bathroom to take shower

This is what they wore

This is what they wore

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Lisa pov

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Lisa pov.
I were sitting on the couch at the living room suddenly someone back hugged me I was so scared that I shout


Jungkook: Relax doll it's me your husband

Lisa: Oh Jungkook I'm scared

Author pov.
Lisa hold her heart

Jungkook: Why are you scared when you didn't did something

Lisa: Nothing I just scared when suddenly you hugged me from behind

Author pov.
Jungkook nodded

Jungkook: I have something to tell you doll

Lisa: What is it

Jungkook: Tonight is party for our marriage

Lisa: What

Jungkook: Yes, wear a dress that my servant give you and I have three rules because you are a idol there will be many people that ask how you fall for me just tell them I fall inlove first than I propose you. Understand

Lisa: I will not tell that you kidnap me

Jungkook: Just told what I tell you Lisa don't try to do something stupid

Author pov.
Jungkook hold Lisa chin harshly making Lisa in pain

Jungkook: Told them like what I say Jeon Lalisa

Lisa: I will

Jungkook: Good girl

To be continued

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